Gay People Suddenly Everywhere According To Census Data
“Middle America is safer and more welcoming for gay people than ever before, which is good, because it’s most of America.”
“Middle America is safer and more welcoming for gay people than ever before, which is good, because it’s most of America.”
“You want to spur interest in kids reading that fits their needs, not that of people in the 1930s.”
New study by Northwestern University reverses their infamous 2005 study disputing the existence of male bisexuality.
Today a bunch of celebrities are doing things that may or may not affect your rights, lesbo. So why not indulge in the rainbow cake mix?
“What’s a liberal, feminist, gay-friendly, Democratic girl like you doing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?” “I was born this way, to borrow a phrase.”
The Obama Administration is gonna start going over 300,000 deportation cases case-by-case to ensure nobody is wasting their time on perfectly respectable humans.
There are 87% more of us in the desert, everyone wants us to get married, basically in general we’re multiplying rapidly and sooner or later will inevitably take over.
Let’s cuddle and enjoy lesbian books, community building on behalf of gays everywhere, Jane Lynch in a suit, Rose McGowan’s lesbian posse, and a two-piece swimsuit.
Dharun Ravi wants all charges against him dismissed — and the papers filed in his defense offer new insights into what happened to Tyler Clementi.
So many things, like Staceyann Chin and New Balance and an old documentary and an article from yesterday about how the teevee made you gay and all the GOP debate anti-gay stuff in 2mins and really just so much. Just read it!
Rachel’s Team Pick: “What I really want, I now realize, is peace. And I know now, after this trial, that justice does not bring peace. It only brings justice.”
Two white teenagers in Mississippi beat a black man, then drove over him in a pickup truck.
Latina queers exist, believe it or not. And we’re having some trouble here. This time, though, we’re less alone.
How Dan Savage and other queers introduced straight people to non-monogamy.
Is there a double standard for gender when considering inappropriate and often criminal sexual misconduct between teachers and students?
Everyone looks damn sexy and everyone is gay. Plus, there are still weddings to be had, and lots of honeymoons to go on. And do you love Lucille Ball? I love Lucille Ball.
Carmen’s Team Pick: I have at my fingertips “23 Portraits of Gay Couples Who Can’t Get Married,” and even though it is not good news I want to show it to you anyway, because it is such a testament to love.
Because how else are we going to figure this out?
My mother does not talk about her twenties. Ever. I have no idea what she did. I imagine weird artsy jobs, loneliness, and a lot of drugs.
It was my 21st birthday and Netflix gave me Mad Men on Instant Netflix and the world gave you gay people in government, Quebec City is Beyond the Rainbow, Denise Richards had a lesbian affair, cute marriage things, introspective Hollywood, thoughts on Winehouse and so much more.