Jacqueline Nantumbwe Must Stay: Why the Current UK System For LGB Asylum Seekers is Broken
The UK Border Agency has detained Ugandan asylum seeker Jacqueline Nantumbwe, placing her at risk of abuse and deportation unless she can “prove” she’s gay.
The UK Border Agency has detained Ugandan asylum seeker Jacqueline Nantumbwe, placing her at risk of abuse and deportation unless she can “prove” she’s gay.
I know you’re thinking it’s definitely because of the 205 draconian abortion laws enacted over the past few years, but this study actually suggests that abortion rates are going down because of birth control and family planning. And the economy.
“I’ve always been like, ‘Love myself? How the heck am I supposed to do that?’ I believe, now, I’m starting to understand a little bit of what it means.”
The new Momentum Report from the Movement Advancement Project proves that gay marriage is just the tip of the iceberg. How is the LGBT community doing when it comes to everything else?
If all goes according to his plan (and it very well may not) this will be a year of leaps and bounds for many of the Americans who felt left behind in 2013. Women, people of color and those living in poverty could all benefit from Obama’s plans to use executive orders rather than waiting on a gridlocked Congress to pass anything to his desk.
A new petition asks NARAL and Planned Parenthood to step up to the plate as trans* allies with more inclusive language.
I hope in a couple generations, kids look at us like we are insane when we tell them about the current state of health care in this country. For trans people, especially trans women of color, the picture is particularly dire.
On Tuesday morning, six same sex couples and LGBT civil rights group Equality Florida filed a lawsuit in pursuit of marriage equality in the Sunshine State.
With austerity here to stay and far-right parties on the rise, it is time now more than ever to recognise that queer liberation cannot be disentangled from economic justice.
It is important to defend human rights and to speak out against human rights violations around the world. However, to talk about anti-gay legislation internationally, we need to talk about a history of white supremacy that brought homophobia and anti-LGBTQ legislation to various countries.
“After DOMA, one would think this would be the best time for activists to shine a light on other issues, such as hate crimes against LGBT people. But that hasn’t proven to be the case, at least in New York.”
“The piece was never about Dr. V, a golf putter, the science, the controversy, transgender experience, or even her death. This story was about Caleb Hannan, his desire to unwind a mystery that perplexed him, and the things he discovered along the way.”
While the Senate works out its ridiculous issues, millions of Americans will be waiting for their checks.
This is too important for my intended Oklahomo pun, but I want y’all to know that I thought of it.
Janet Yellen is about to become the most powerful woman in the world. Learn more about her new job and why her role is important to women in economics.
Search the hashtag #AB1266 on Twitter, and you’ll see what I mean by clusterfuck. It’s a mixture of conservatives, LGBT groups, names of California counties, statistics, and conflicting reports of what’s happened, and what’s next.
From India to Uganda, the legacy of British colonial sodomy laws live on today in many countries around the world. What can or should the Commonwealth do about this, if anything at all?
As we continue into 2014, it is still essential that we remain vigilant to uterus-havers’ rights to abortion across the country.
2013 brought equal marriage to the shores of the UK, and the gays were saved! Well not really. Or not much at all?
This halt on same-sex marriages may throw a wrench into a lot of LGBT folks’ hopes about marriage equality in the United States, but the Utah case actually offers the Supreme Court an opportunity to take a firm stance on the legality of same-sex marriage.