No Filter: Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli Met Melissa Etheridge and the Lesbian Vortex Has Never Been Stronger
Also, we caught Janelle Monáe and Tessa Thompson suspiciously canoodling and Evan Rachel Wood has entered Friendsworld.
Also, we caught Janelle Monáe and Tessa Thompson suspiciously canoodling and Evan Rachel Wood has entered Friendsworld.
There are thousands of recipes to be explored in these books, and they’re all waiting excitedly to queer your kitchen, so clear off some space on your counters and bookshelves cause it’s time to go shopping and start to change the face of an industry.
Lena Luthor dons a braid and goes on a mission with Kara and Alex and JEEPERS IT’S WONDERFUL.
Sex between someone with a penis and someone with a vagina gets a lot of representation, but not when the penis-haver is a woman. Here’s everything you need to know about lesbian sex with trans women who have penises.
Lena Waithe, Janelle Monáe, Stella Maxwell, Cara Delevingne, Ruby Rose and more!!
The Pervert is definitely going to turn off some readers, it’s full of swearing and violent homophobia and transphobia and explicit sex scenes, but for the people who read it, it will stick with them forever. This book is a wake up call.
“I see clients every week where I have to dress business casual. It can be difficult as a butch woman to find something professional that doesn’t make me look like I’m about to officiate a wedding.”
Many of us menstruate, but what do we even know about the things we use to manage our periods? What did people used to do? Let’s test our knowledge about the things we bleed into (and why) — and maybe learn some things along the way!
We have six full weeks to dive deep into this queer Latinx prestige drama about family, sex, love, and grief. Let’s get this… funeral party?… started!
There’s rainbow wave of LGBQ candidates running for office. All of them are dissatisfied with Trump’s status quo, have strong convictions, and to make the world a better place. Here are their stories.
“Good Company,” a new magazine from Design*Sponge’s Grace Bonney, is a radically diverse incredible new project you should support ALSO I JUST SO HAPPEN TO BE FEATURED IN ONE OF THE ARTICLES.
The bill protects and allows faith-based adoption agencies to reject potential families if they believe the family’s lifestyle and/or beliefs contradict the agencies’ religious beliefs.
“It could have been longer.”
Check out these queer-women-fronted action and adventure novels, including basically Die Hard but with lesbians, basically The X-Files but with a bisexual love triangle, pirate stories, thrillers and more.
What did we first take to the streets about?
Lesbian archives, advocacy, prom, and of course, even more Janelle Monae news.
What to do if you feel lonely, what to do if you’re a victim of revenge porn, how straight parents fail at talking to queer kids about sex, how (and why it’s fun) to put ginger up your butt, what your Venus means and more.
Did someone say they needed me to answer 19 questions in one post?? No, they did not, but I did it anyway!!
Plus updates on Into the Badlands, Siren, Star, Once Upon a Time, and help figuring out how to watch Vida!
“Is that Emily? And Sarah!? AND Casey??”