Monday Roundtable: Our Favorite LGBTQ Novels
It’s truly magical when you can find a novel with lesbian or bisexual or queer characters that speaks to you and tells a damn good story.
It’s truly magical when you can find a novel with lesbian or bisexual or queer characters that speaks to you and tells a damn good story.
This week: girls, girls, girls! Including Teddy Geiger looking like a snack, Nancy Drew’s gay best friend, some thoughts on motherhood, and lesbian Jesus delivering an iOS memo.
Body hair, meditating and better sex, kink is not abuse, how sex can be magic and more.
Crying is good for you, and don’t work too hard.
These biscuits are for everyone who wants to make them using regular old All Purpose Flour and not end up with something totally underwhelming that feels like biting into a hockey puck.
Plus updates on: Imposters, Into the Badlands, Timeless, Westworld, Grey’s Anatomy, and Coronation Street!
Hurry, you only have two days to enter to win!
Whether after moving to a new place, switching apartments in the same city, or finding the community you’d been searching for, what made you realize you’d arrived?
In the grand scheme of things, we’re really all just here for Cate Blanchett’s boobs.
Topics include Renting a Family, Easy Rider & Alice’s Restaurant, alcoholism, an imposter!, eating disorders, Brad Renfro, Facebook, Bad TV, Janelle Monae and so much more!
The inspiration for fandroids who will be screaming their lungs out at a Janelle Monáe concert this summer.
Merlin’s Beard, Jam City! Way to take all the magic out of Hogwarts!
“I’m going to make a shirt that says Rachel Is Right or maybe Listen to Rachel.”
Cheryl Blossom is a bow-wielding superhero, and the Black Hood reveals himself, and a million other things happen!
“The aim of the project is to make legible memories, histories and moments of queerness that would otherwise disappear.”
Nobel-cancelling sex scandals, writing by hand, what to read if you want to read funny women, the myth of women authors with only one good book and more.
In this political climate, it’s refreshing to feel powerful for a change, and it’s amazing what channeling the spirit of a galactic demagogue will do for your confidence. In case you need a boost, here are range products I love for getting the look.
If you’re a lesbian, bisexual or queer fan of “Law & Order,” you might have a shot at scoring well on this very important trivia quiz. #olivia4ever
Plus a queer Hocus Pocus (book) sequel, noise about TV cancellations and renewals, a trailer for Arrested Development’s fifth season, Kiersey Clemons’ new movie, and more!
If you’ve been waiting your whole life to find people in history that really reflect who you are, today is that day! We’re examining the many ways gay, bisexual, queer and other unquantifiably not-straight women have built lasting, meaningful and downright obsessive relationships with their canine friends over the years.