The Comment Awards Are Bursting With Pride!
The Managerettes love you so much that they hijacked the Comment Awards this week.
The Managerettes love you so much that they hijacked the Comment Awards this week.
Remember that post of girls in white tank tops? Wasn’t that the best thing ever?
Mollie is a voice for Marriage Equality, she’s starting a nonprofit to promote positive visibility of the LGBT community and she has an interesting tattoo. Oh, yeah, and she’s pretty smokin’ too.
This week’s comment awards were brought to you by the letter “I” for “Incredible.” Which is what Community Managerette Carrie is.
1,000 of you placed votes for the hottest most amazing queer women in the universe and now it’s time to announce the 100 winners of the 2012 Autostraddle Hot 100!
This time we’re looking for herstory. Lots and lots of herstory.
We have A-Camp shirts, “You Do You” tote bags and… wait for it… super special behind-the-scenes ‘zines made by Riese, Laneia, and Rachel themselves. It’s crazy.
It’s been a rainy, windy week, but the promise of the Hot 100 looming on the horizon is enough to warm things up.
It’s gonna be a big night for Olivia Benson, That Hot Femme Bartender and Ali Defranco!
Have I told you lately that I love you? All of you? Because I do.
Time is running out to vote for the hottest queer women in the universe. Here’s who’s already in the lead.
Everyone loves everybody. Seriously.
This year, like every year, we’re doing things a little differently. So ladies, hop on in and vote for who you think are the hottest queer women in the entire world!
Jade likes Just Dance, reading and eating tacos! Also, she’s blazing hot. Happy May!
God I hope that all the other Comment Awards are nice to my Comment Awards!
Little known fact about the comment awards: they can go 150 hours without air.
Or at least I am.
Runner-ups for rhymes include: graham flours, kilometers per hours, artificial flowers, ivory towers and nuclear powers.
Gilligan’s Island would have been a lot more interesting with Miss April as Ginger.
Yawning is the number one dance move for today.