Mutual Masturbation Is a Very Underrated Lesbian Sex Act and You Can Too
Mutual masturbation isn’t a sexual cop-out — it’s actually a truly fantastic sexual activity.
Mutual masturbation isn’t a sexual cop-out — it’s actually a truly fantastic sexual activity.
The Season Three finale had the one thing Supergirl always did best but has been missing for a while: Hope.
It’s not perfect, and last week’s episode on Kat’s identity really missed the mark, but there’s a lot to love about this queer, feminist show.
Valero-O’Connell is known for her distinctive and beautiful illustration style, and she’s starting to be recognized; she has two well-deserved Eisner Award Nominations for this comic, for Best Single Issue/One-Shot and Best Coloring.
This week we find fits for someone looking for a “style reset” that lets them embrace their punk and grunge roots while also not being mistaken for a teenage boy anymore!
In the 90s, a collective of Latina lesbians founded two radical, bilingual zines. They made culture, connected activists, and scared the sh*t out of the patriarchy.
WNBA’s latest activism, nonbinary in the workplace, some new stats on LGBTQ identities, TEENS, Canada puts LGBTQ rights above religious freedom, the future of ‘queer’, plus more!
In an interview with King Princess for Wonderland Magazine, Amandla Stenberg reveals a recently uncovered truth about her sexual orientation — “I realised that I’m gay – not bi, not pan, but gay.”
“A lot of the narrative about gender questioning at large is about tragedy, about what we lose. I encourage you (even though I know it’s challenging) to think about your gender from a different angle. What makes you feel affirmed?”
“I am 12. I have never thought of the idea of being gay. I am the only one being called gay at school, that I know of, and I am learning very quickly that it is the worst thing one could possibly be. It feels contagious, like I’m walking into school every day with a giant, hideous cloak of gay-ness, and everyone knows it.”
Timothée Chalamet inspired haircuts, the origins of camp, non-binary inclusive workspaces, and more!
Some essays and stories about our Dads — the good, the bad, and the very complicated.
The new rules of dating? Don’t be an asshole. Plus: How to explore bisexuality, how to talk about good sex so you can have it, what the Desiree Conference cancellation means for sex workers and more.
A Pride reminder.
Working at Autostraddle has been my dream job and it’s been my dream community, but it’s time for the next phase in my life, so I need to say goodbye.
“I really think Lane Bryant is missing an opportunity to reclaim ‘Come To My Window’ from Applebee’s by not offering Reneice a million dollars for that one photo. You know the one I mean.”
I find myself preemptively mourning the transgenerational communities and cliques and cults and clubs and covens of girls like me that could be and may not be.
Books with ace homo/bi/panromantic women characters do exist! Here’s a list of eight of these very real and awesome books in genres like romance, fantasy, YA and more!
Lying in bed, she asked why I thought she’d be into women, and I tried to explain that Indian norms are full of moments Americans consider to be flirting. “Holding hands doesn’t mean anything,” she said. “It must be so sad to not touch your friends.”
The BJ Dildo is designed for strap-on blow jobs. And I really, really wanted to love it.