Bad Behavior: Letter From Your Editor
Welcome to “Bad Behavior,” a two-month series about the ways in which we are not good queers, at least not most of the time.
Welcome to “Bad Behavior,” a two-month series about the ways in which we are not good queers, at least not most of the time.
Hayley Kiyoko responded by taking her entire crew to Disneyworld, and probably went on all the rides ten extra times.
But seriously, when are we getting a musical episode?
Ah, August. Who’s ready for more growth experiences? Another eclipse, Mars still retrograde, and the plot thickens…
Playing gay made Bex Taylor-Klaus realize they’re gay, news about Vida season two, Chelsea Handler’s playing a “power lesbian” on Will & Grace, Grace Choi is back, Megan Rapinoe is better than ever, Anne Lister is coming to TV again, and so much more!
“Maybe it’s my depression talking, but I think running errands is heroic.”
“My gender, in a few words: femme boi, domestic witch, cry baby, plant mom.”
Carmen and Riese talk about the entirety of Season Six of “Orange is the New Black,” which they thought they were going to hate at first but then it actually turned out pretty okay.
We’ve got 29 gorgeous questions and like 100 answers, so if you need help and you asked for it, you might find it in here. Casual hookups, breakups, threesomes, gender uncertainty, dating a co-worker, letting her down easy and so much more!
This week’s episode was intense, let’s talk about it.
Going forward, all new episodes of GIBWK will be available to everyone who reads Autostraddle!
“The thing is, if the people in your life respect you, they’ll give you the space to figure out where you’re comfortable. It’s YOUR name. You’re the person who has deal with it every second of your life.”
Yes Daddy I Do: Orange is the New Black’s Vicci Martinez and Emily Tarver are lesbianing together!
Did you see the WNBA All-Star game? Did you know there’s a miniseries coming out about the first lesbian to get married in a church in England? Do you want to see Mary Berry playing the drums?? Get in here, it’s Sunday Funday!
The best way to fight with your partner, what an orgasm feels like, making physical and literal space when you live with someone and more.
“I wanted to not care where I was going that/any day; a girl who’d interrupt her routine for a brush with honesty.”
“You’re working yourself up into an identity crisis!”
Plus updates on Queen Sugar, Younger, The Young & the Restless, General Hospital, and Critical Role.
Alex and Sara and Anissa and Nyssa and Betty McRae, oh my!
“Come for the lesbian hotel, stay for the euthanasia.”