The Comment Awards Are Already Spooked
Candy, fisting, politics. PERIOD.
Candy, fisting, politics. PERIOD.
As you may know, we’re currently re-building this entire website! This is a daunting task, and our Tech Director Cee needs a nubile intern to help her get shit done. Could this person be YOU?!
Did you watch the second Presidential debate? Why doesn’t anyone give ME binders full of women?
It’s been a special week.
OMFG IT’S TIME TO MEET-UP! Find your city on the list and wash your lucky shirt.
The only place where you can win awards for talking about bad Glee fashion and getting arrested by Sarah Croce.
Have you always wanted to grace the pages of an Autostraddle Calendar? Now’s your chance to apply!
Who needs fall foliage and pumpkin spice lattes when you’ve got KP and Michelle? Happy October!
This week was crazy! And you all were hilarious.
Autostraddlers are adorable in real life and online.
We just wanted to say a few things before taking your money and running off to a tropical island to do some offshore trading and margarita-drinking with the ladies.
Laneia, Alex, Laura, Rachel and Bren on what this means to them and lots of overall happiness about reaching $100,000!
Super moms, composting and the price of mini geese.
Meet Miss September!
What we wrote and what you said this week.
School is in session, get your chin off your desk.
We made it to 80k! That means you can request gifs from Brianna’s brilliant straddle-gifs tumblr AND we’re raffling off two camperships for September for anyone looking for a last-minute vaycay!
Get out your dream journal!
In which we hope to give our Senior Editor Rachel the best birthday gift ever, with your help!
It’s your last day to order homemade cookies and treats from our fundraiser! Snickerdoodles, butter cookies, oatmeal shenanigans, Oreo situations — they’re all here, and all made with love.