Playlist: Get Off the Couch and Go to the G*ddamn Party
Get pumped and get out the door and go make some friends IRL. This mixtape will help!
Get pumped and get out the door and go make some friends IRL. This mixtape will help!
You see a girl on a car, I hear a song.
GagaVision No.41 is about Lady Gaga’s encounter with a fundamentalist Christian protester outside one of her concerts. Also take a gander at the Southern twang remix version of “Born This Way.”
Chely Wright has announced her engagement to her girlfriend Lauren Blitzer. They’re both very pretty.
If only the outrage over a rehabilitated 29-year-old woman becoming the personal and financial property of a man she dislikes was half as loud as the chorus that once proclaimed her outfits degrading to women.
And not taking any breaks because breaks are for SUCKERS.
This album is very good.
Michelle Branch has decided to make a return to pop music and release a new album this year. I am suitably stoked.
If you’ve listened to Pink’s Missundazstood album approx 20 times, cried at X-Tina’s “Beautiful” video care about the future of pop music, you need to read this interview.
A new song every day!
Sweet jams for making sweet sweet love or the opposite of that.
So I think this is the best playlist for the day.
“I’m in this bitch / Everything rojo / Feet kicked up with a blunt / Watching LOGO”
Lady Gaga talked to Google for a fabulous hour and 13 minutes and we’ve got you covered.
Were you slightly fearful that 2011 would be filled with vapid pop music created by soulless machines? Me too! I don’t think we have to worry though.
“If Brooklyn hip hop knocked boots with PJ Harvey, Hesta Prynn would be their lovechild.”
It’s music festival season! Where are you going this year and, more importantly, do you have an extra ticket?
Jessie J confirms her bisexuality, releases a new album, gives a concert in a tore-up Mickey shirt, and goes on the Graham Norton Show with Charlie Salinger!
Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” Music Video Premieres on Vevo!
Don’t be fancy just get dancey.