Boobs on Your Tube: Coop Continues to Steal the Show on “All American,” “Star” Stumbles Into Trope City
Plus updates on Legacies, Coronation Street, Sally4Ever, and (for some reason) Camping.
Plus updates on Legacies, Coronation Street, Sally4Ever, and (for some reason) Camping.
“That duck for sure has an Alternative Lifestyle Feathercut.”
When in doubt: MONOGRAM.
What helps you glow up? Share it in the thread!
“It took me 14 years to recognize with certainty that I was a dyke. I wish I could say it was about the intellectual complexities of sexuality and gender, or that I was afraid of being different. Those were factors, but not nearly as pressing as this: I thought dykes had bad style.”
“we’re naked the whole time but somehow it is not hot and more sad than anything else”
As much as I love Black Lightning, and in particular as much as I love their willingness to ground the supernatural within the – admittedly sometimes ugly – realities of black life in America, I worry that the show has begun to dabble in exploiting the violence against black bodies as a means of spectacle.
Parents love to lie, but Detective Betty is ON IT.
Some of you might be here because the weather changed and you need warm things, some of you are like me and can’t wait to buy shit for every season, and some of you just want to look cute and don’t know where to start.
“Is this how cis white dudes feel all the time?”
This series may not be Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger, but it’s the closest things we muggles can get. All you need is a stove, a few fancy ingredients, and some time to whip of an apothecary full of gifts.
Midwestern lesbian fashion — flannel, Birkenstocks, baseball caps — is ignored at best and looked down upon at worst compared to urban, Shane-esque queer style. What happens when it’s given museum exhibit status?
Scissoring: the greatest sex act in the world? Who would be foolish enough to make that claim? Me, and this gift guide!
Stories include The Favourite, the oral history of “San Junipero,” Mel B’s tell-all memoir, bi actress Monica Raymund’s new lesbian role in Hightown, and a little lesbian Magic Mike just for you.
“I never could explain why my heart pounded when her soft hands reached out for mine. Why it felt like I was the only girl in the world, singing with her at the top of my lungs. The way my eyes would nervously glance down at her chest in that purple lace bra and white tank top. Until I could.”
I need to go to heckin’ therapy.
Also, Danielle Brooks is dressed like a human Instagram filter and we bring you qualified social media experts to tell you the latest news about soccer romance.
We put our heads together and this is what the Autostraddle Team wants for the holigays! We think you’ll find some sweet stuff for your loved ones in here, too.
“I was once a dancer, a synchronized swimmer, I played acrobat on thick, moss covered logs when I was at the lake, catching myself as I stumbled was a game. Now, I struggle to do eyeliner.”
Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people!