“Legends of Tomorrow” Episode 408 Recap: Siren Song
Charlie keeps messing up the timeline, giving us gems like the Sirens of Space-Time and the Puppets of Tomorrow, in this wackadoo mid-season finale.
Charlie keeps messing up the timeline, giving us gems like the Sirens of Space-Time and the Puppets of Tomorrow, in this wackadoo mid-season finale.
Supergirl goes to Gotham and meets the one, the only: Batwoman. And also Kate Kane, what a coincidence!
How unfair is it that everyone who gets married and has a wedding shower gets a lot of nice fancy home goods (including a KitchenAid!!!) and I, a boss bitch forever single kitchen witch Capricorn femme queen, do not??
Bear with me here.
I don’t want to be pigeonholed into a specific category or subject; I want to be seen as everything and nothing. I want to be seen as authentically myself, and to push myself to fully experiment with my favorite art.
Long ago, when trying to flirt with another girl looked kind of like a Sarah Waters novel but without the ghosts and tragedy, we communicated interest through loaded symbols, like giving violets to crushes. Today, we have emoji instead.
“We’re in Lancaster County at Erin’s family’s house, surrounded by plastic Bible quiz trophies adorned with gold crosses and family portraits taken at national parks. My bewildered partner comes to me, face slack, and tells me I need to call my mother.”
There’s something about closing out another long, hard year by being your very best gay self.
Kara is called in to help Barry and Oliver solve the mystery of why they seem to have switched lives in the first episode of the three-party SuperFlarrow crossover.
“She doesn’t mean to be limiting. She just doesn’t see that the way she feels about her body is not the way that I feel about mine.”
“Amazingly, neither the training bra nor my actual boobs magically solved my very typical and very sad self-image issues.”
Here are 50 of the best books from this year that are by and about women, feminism or gender and related intersectional issues. There seem to be strong recurring themes of dystopia, anger, and navigating violent structures of power. What a coincidence!
The Grammy Awards are extra queer, Ellen Degeneres is doing stand up again, trans folks speak out, and more!
The Tumblr and Facebook bans on sexuality-related photos and words, a photo series about healing through queer BDSM, how to consciously choose boundaries and more.
We all deserve the reward of eating a perfectly winter-themed scone curled up in a blanket with some peppermint tea.
You’re sure it will continue to be awful.
Plus Legacies gives us a Hufflepuff/Slytherin power couple, All American gives us Coop in a suit. And quick hits on Coronation Street, The Young and the Restless, Charmed, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Star and The Flash!
Long days and even longer nights just trying to make ends meet? We can’t change everything but taking care of the mind, body and soul (very original) can hopefully make it a little easier. Check out these gifts to do just that!
“The chairs thing! THE CHAIRS THING. All my life.”
Let’s imagine if the Straddleverse became a real life coworking space! What would your ideal workspace look like?