Cards Against Harassment Creator Better at Recognizing Sexism Than Institutional Racism
One woman’s well-intentioned crusade to end street harassment has some racially insensitive side-effects.
One woman’s well-intentioned crusade to end street harassment has some racially insensitive side-effects.
“The need for hate crime legislation for the state that covers gender identity/expression and sexuality is, of course, paramount, but it strikes me as odd that in a case in which more factors than just sexuality or gender expression were present, that only that was touched upon, both in the coverage by major news sources and what the “hate” would be constituted as.”
The DC Court of Appeals and the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals both handed down rulings on health care subsidies with totally conflicting opinions. If the DC Court of Appeals’ argument is upheld, individuals who purchased their plan through the federally run exchange would lose access to affordable health care.
Since her failed bid in 2007, I’ve been ready for Hillary. But even more importantly, I’ve been ready to raid the Ready for Hillary online store.
In response to the general freakout over the school’s discrimination against Jayce M, George Fox upped the ante on its discriminatory cluelessness. He and other trans students can live on campus in gender-appropriate dorms — if they get genital surgery.
Obama also signed an executive order that prohibits federal employers from discriminating based on gender identity. That order applies as of today. Obama did not include exemptions for religious groups in either order, despite heavy pressure to do so from evangelical leaders.
As various states prepare to analyze their criminal laws, here’s a quick breakdown of the relationship between HIV and the law in the United States.
It specifies that if your employer is a for-profit company who wants to tell you that Jesus knows best what you can and can’t do with your reproductive system, it must notify you if it is going to take away your birth control.
“When @JacquelynGill challenged the idea that sexually dehumanizing trans women is okay by saying the image was just another “male gazey image,” Austin responded, ‘Interesting to consider how those gazey males will feel when they find out.'”
A Florida judge overturned the state’s 2008 same-sex marriage ban on Thursday, allowing same sex couples in Monroe County to marry starting on Tuesday.
“Friess reacted to Mannie’s request that white gay men stop referring to themselves as ‘strong black women’ by threatening to withdraw hypothetical support of black women’s political and social issues (none of which he actually names)! That’s not allyship, that’s just another example of a person in power offering abstract and highly conditional support to an oppressed group of people with whom he claims a false and unrequited kinship.”
White supremacy and racism, we know, have long and deep histories in American society. It’s not like it only occurred to Murrieta residents to be racist and xenophobic while browsing through their town’s blog.
A New York Times cover story graphically depicts the sexual assault a student named Anna experienced when she was freshman at Hobart and William Smith colleges. It also details the pathetic excuse for a judiciary hearing she and countless survivors across the United States have encountered when reporting rape and sexual assault to their universities.
The Connecticut Department of Children and Families moved Jane Doe to the boys’ facility with little explanation and no advance notice to her legal team.
In Tennessee, pregnant women addicted to drugs now face jail time if they can’t kick the habit.
African American trans student Jayce M has lost an appeal to receive on campus housing at George Fox University after the Department of Education granted the school a religious exemption from Title IX requirements.
“When will white feminists take collective responsibility for educating themselves? When will they understand the power at play that sings in their skins? We don’t exist in a vacuum and women of colour don’t exist to hold their hands and explain in painful detail why their behaviour continues to hurt us. Intersectional feminist politics are not for white women to co-opt as their own.”
Religious leaders have their eye on broad exemptions from a pending executive order to block employment discrimination by federal contractors against LGBT people.
On the 45th anniversary of Stonewall and the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, it is worth interrogating how we learn and know our histories — and the conditions that contribute to our learning environment.
The UK Home Office has a questionable track record when it comes to LGB asylum seekers, and for bisexual asylum seekers, narratives of “proving” sexuality or being “gay enough” can be deadly.