Rebel Girls Reading List: The True Tales of 8 Women Who Ran (Parts of) the World
These memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies tell the stories of women who ran countries around the world — from the top.
These memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies tell the stories of women who ran countries around the world — from the top.
“There are many American readers for whom The Price of Salt would still be a revolutionary, shocking, immoral novel, the kinds of readers who have never, to their knowledge, met a lesbian or bisexual or pansexual woman before and who imagine us all as monstrous caricatures.”
Topics include Cosmopolitan circa 1970, the abuse of mentally ill prisoners, job-hunting, Prince, Franzia, a boy injected with HIV by his father and so much more!
Jeanette Winterson and personal growth, weeding out books and library collections, whether or not copy editing is dead and more.
The stories of 10 American women who fundamentally altered history simply by showing up and working like hell — in their own words.
“The Gutsy Girl” is part memoir, part instruction manual, part unbelievable true adventure tale. It’s also a New York Times bestseller, which gives a hint about how ready we all are for a no-holds-barred hurrah for bravery now that we’ve integrated the term “impostor syndrome” into our mental catalogue of what’s holding us back.
Topics include Tonya / Marcia / Monica / Anita, true crime TV, sugar, marijuana, Ben & Jerrys, rape culture, identity clickbait, Lifetime and more!
Warland, and Oscar of Between, is refreshingly unconcerned with being there already. Instead, she deep-dives into the potency of occupying transitional spaces, the beauty of being in-between.
Weird books, subscription libraries, how to learn to like poetry, books and food and more.
Topics include “Men Explain Lolita To Me,” Marcia Clark, Trumplandia, spinsters, the University of Texas Tower shooting, the escort who killed her client in self-defense — I didn’t do this on purpose but this week’s TIRTL is like a treasure trove of kickass female writers.
Don’t label me — I’m
a non-het identified
poly pagan witch.
“4. Passionate Vegetarian – Crescent Dragonwagon”
How to find queer books, the new VIDA count, Eileen Myles and literary fame, the singular “they,” experimental feminist reading suggestions and more.
Topics include gay chefs, Colonel Sanders, gentrification, online dating, tindering across Europe, Instacart, writing about feminism for Playboy and moar!
“I finally felt that I was being led by someone as deliciously ill-equipped at being in this world as I am. And by the time it was over I thought the book was masterfully human, cerebral but self-aware, wistful, curious, judgmental, forgiving, repentant and broken.”
This Saturday, come hear Gabby read from Juliet Takes a Breath. She’ll also answer your questions and sign your book!
Magical girls, fixing the bestseller list, what to read when you’re out of feminist books to read, why History of Magic in North America sucked, tarot and literature and more.
Topics include Debi Thomas, the Mall of America, murder, kids on the sex offender registry, Trader Joe’s, what people smell like, Texts From Jane Eyre and more!
“There’s no denying that women writers are affected by systemic, institutionalised sexism in the media and publishing industries, but women who are queer, trans, of colour, disabled, sex workers, from low-income backgrounds and/or otherwise outside the mainstream are inevitably impacted more than most.”
Asexual romance novels, trans YA, lesbian poet trading cards, poetry as art, prisons and gender policing and more.