For Your Consideration: Drinking Just Way Too Much Tea
How many cups of tea does it take to get to the center of what’s really wrong? A lot.
How many cups of tea does it take to get to the center of what’s really wrong? A lot.
There’s a million reasons to use sex toys with a partner — variety! Adding a new sensation! Creating a different type of intimacy! Acting out a scene you’ve always fantasized about! Curiosity! Adventure! Fun! Accessibility! Playing with a new part of the body! Toys can help you orgasm! Here’s how to get started.
For queer couples already facing marginalization in their lives and relationship before making the decision to become pregnant, the presence of a doula can be profound.
All the premiere dates and sneak peeks at new and returning television shows with lesbian, bisexual or queer women characters coming January, February and March 2019 to a shiny box near you.
“I said yes to the fear of being on this stage tonight because I wanted to be here, to look out onto this audience and witness this moment of change.”
The first month of the year doesn’t have to be about making big changes, but for a lot of people, it is. In that spirit, here’s the Autostraddle team sharing with you the things they’ve changed in their lives that has meant the biggest improvement.
The hot evil parents get hotter and eviler!
Happy first Sunday of 2019!!! We made it bitches! I’m so happy to be here, in the future with you. Okay, let’s get some good news in our bellies this morning.
Cruising for lesbian hookups, women’s sexual expressions through technology, radical experimental queer porn, deepfakes and more.
I love eggnog, so I’ve taken it upon myself to write a recipe that I think even its most loyal haters will love. There’s no drinking the eggnog here, just using it to infuse the dough and glaze with warm winter spices and vanilla. The brown butter doesn’t hurt either.
All my life I’ve tried to be impervious, but I am soft.
Topics include The Apprentice, emotional abuse, the year in dog, HIV/AIDS, really gross murder, bad faith reading, Sheryl Sandberg, Elizabeth Warren, and so much more!
“Gay cheerleader of the cosmos, guess I found my desired position for future job applications.”
Happy New Year, my friends, and welcome to the first FRIDAY OPEN THREAD of 20biteen!
You’ve done it. You’ve crafted long term and short term goals, made an action plan, set reasonable expectations, nurtured the skills that empower you to focus — and now you’ve failed. Welcome to being a human on this earth!
Along with the Civil Rights Movement, the blues, and the Moon Pie, we also have the American South to thank for a 50-plus year bounty of lesbian literature.
Autostraddle turns ten in 2019 and in that spirit, the first theme issue of the year is BIRTHDAY. This can mean so many things! Pop in to find out more!
The creative process, insomnia, books to read in 2019 and more.
Despite her early resonance, Hothead Paisan has faded from lesbian and queer cultural memory. Today we’re bringing her back.
Derry Girls is genuinely, rawly, categorically funnier than any show I’ve watched in ages — and it’s gay!