B&B Stands for Bigoted & Bitchy When the Owner Hates Gay People
Innkeepers are using their title of Boss to freely discriminate against patrons and spew hate on religious grounds. Luckily brave individuals are calling them out and you can too.
Innkeepers are using their title of Boss to freely discriminate against patrons and spew hate on religious grounds. Luckily brave individuals are calling them out and you can too.
If you change your face to fit the beauty standards of the meanest kid on the playground, who wins?
The story of one pastor and one chaplain who chose to amplify their voices by stepping down from their churches.
From gay marriage to bottle-fed baby lions, this week we’re celebrating the future AND the past.
Today in news you probably could have predicted, homophobes are sexist.
In which we use adorable infographics to break down the economics of gay marriage in NYC.
Really all that matters though is that you watch this video from the National Association of the Deaf affirming their support for marriage equality.
What does it mean that most people had no idea about Sally Ride’s partner for 27 years?
” She is totally naked, and I’m still basically fully clothed. Her bedroom is not air-conditioned.”
Because we said so. Let’s just take a few minutes to talk about Rick Mercer, Canada’s smartlarious teevee sensation.
Desmond Tutu, Jim Henson, and Me.
You can be a Chief Executive Scout too! (As long as you aren’t female, queer or compassionate.)
AAA Episode V: Brittani Nichols Strikes Back, and in the meantime people have feelings about gay marriage, Republicans are delusional/happy, and Megan Rapinoe jams out on video.
Jennifer Carroll says “usually black woman that look like me don’t engage in relationships like that,” a straight Olympian couple pissed that gays can bunk together and they can’t, plus three stories about lesbians getting kicked out of things!
“Homosexuality is illegal in Nigeria and is punishable by stoning. The difficulty for Ogunrinde lay in convincing the [Canadian] government that he was, in fact, gay.”
Three former Wet Seal managers are taking the company to court because of its seemingly explicit top-down discrimination policy against black employees. Their lawyer, the same man who represented the plaintiffs against Wal-Mart, is hopeful that his clients will win.
This week, rappers came out against homophobia, laws were passed that made us better off around the world, and a baby koala lived. I said “baby koala.”
The Good, The Bad, and The Kanye, feat. Jan Brewer, Mitt Romney, and Sweden.
The Episcopal House of Bishops recently approved a blessing for same-sex couples in an overwhelming 111-41 vote.
This week, I bring you positive feelings about the justice system – which is rare – and other feelings that are all somehow happy, optimistic, and brief at the same time.