68 LGBT YA Books to Get Excited for in 2019
Can you even believe this list has 68 (!!) upcoming 2019 queer YA books? WOW. No matter what kind of LGBT YA you’re into, there is something on this list for you.
Can you even believe this list has 68 (!!) upcoming 2019 queer YA books? WOW. No matter what kind of LGBT YA you’re into, there is something on this list for you.
“I used to lie about my age to get deals off the kids’ menu. Like, why would we pay an extra five dollars when we all know I’m about to get chicken tenders and it’s only an appetizer if I’m over twelve??”
How to have a good one night stand, the shift to yes means yes, queer erotica and more.
Plus: Queer food culture, Generation Z knows so many nonbinary people, King Princess on our secret history, Pride at Disneyland Paris, and New Jersey becomes the second state to require LGBT-inclusive materials in schools.
Given that it’s Black History Month and we’re doing a lot of talk about celebration here since Autostraddle is turning ten, I thought it was only fitting to share a recipe for this pie that’s such a tradition in Black American celebrations.
What do best friends do together?
Plus: Gal pals smooching on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, near queer makeouts on Siren, soft butches in space, Chelsea Handler channeling Bette Porter, and a very sad Shondaland elevator.
Topics include Bryan Singer, toxic YA twitter, Chirstopher Pike, the tell-tale fan, Oscars for racial reconciliation fantasies, sexual assault as male bonding, Lil Tay, Soundcloud rap, sunscreen and more!
“I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” – Audre Lorde
“I’ve had a crush on Carmen SanDiego’s femme badassery since before I knew what crushes were, and long before I knew I could have them on women.”
Sometimes when we come out, especially after that first time…it’s kind of hilarious.
February can really hurt. It’s a time when we all need a little extra love. Luckily for all of us lucky queers, we’ve got each other.
“I knew if I could exert most of my energy in the painful icy parts of life, I could certainly make my way back to celebrating the good.”
Get in here and get the goods on Kristin’s revamped series! (Get it? Vamped? Like Buffy the Vampi—oh, just get in here.)
“Autostraddle is more like a guinea pig than like a human child, both for our experimental nature and for how long we were expected to live.”
Join Roxane Gay, Be Steadwell, Nia & Ness, Gaby Dunn, Brittani Nichols and 400 LGBTQ women, non-binary people and other trans folks for five days of fun fun fun in Ojai, California!
In honor of our 10th birthday, our Birthday Issue, and your senior editors’ intrepid love for all things DIY and tangible in a world determined to go all digital, we invite you to send Autostraddle a physical birthday card to celebrate our big day.
Although you can have fun getting busy with a partner with any kind of toy you’re into, these toys designed specifically with couples in mind can leave you and your cutie feeling more satisfied than a Domino’s heart-shaped pizza this Valentine’s Day.
Bette, Shane, and Alice — at the very least — will be back in the eight-episode new season that will land on Showtime some time in 2019.
“It’s been so long since I watched a lighthearted dramedy not set in the UK that I’ve forgotten the American way to pronounce condom.”