FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Has Your Diva Cup Ever Rolled Down The Aisle On A Bus Full Of People Or Was That Just Me?
I want to hear about an embarrassing moment in public you’ve had! And then I want to hear how you SURVIVED it!
I want to hear about an embarrassing moment in public you’ve had! And then I want to hear how you SURVIVED it!
My grandparents and mother were crowded around my grandfather’s laptop; they had lit candles on a cake and sang happy birthday. I was about to make excuses to go back to studying when my grandmother mentioned the referendum. “You know, we’ll see your sister in a few weeks. She’s coming back for the vote.”
Honey, these glorious embodiments of black femme magic are about to sweep you off your feet.
The Pretty Little Liars spin-off has a trailer, a premiere date, and a tiny bit of exposition about what happened to Alison and Emily’s happy ever after.
It’s the horniest, gayest episode of Riverdale yet!
She just said, plainly, “We are going to sleep together tonight.” And I said, “Oh, okay!”
Schitt’s Creek, a period emoji FINALLY, queer families are growing, VR and the trans body, a hole under a glacier (and other ways I describe my emotional state), the nightclubs of Harlem, and more!
Breaking out of what we’re born into.
Topics include why I’m stoked for “Shrill,” Netflix’s queer-inclusive new reality show Dating Around, season three of One Day at a Time, The Walking Dead’s new lesbian couple, the Party of Five reboot and so much more!
It’s official. This cold is bumming me out.
The night of her 36th birthday, charismatic, caustic Nadia is killed in a chance accident, only to find that the evening has reset itself, looping endlessly. The premise is a puzzle, yet there’s no urge after watching Russian Doll to dissect or theorize; that’s not the point. The point is something else.
Things don’t go as planned when Stef and Lena visit their adult daughters for the first time — but they go exactly how Callie and Mariana need them to.
Also, you’re going to watch this Samira Wiley video on a loop all day and King Princess gets a routine dental cleaning.
Sometimes you need to take your cute superhero girlfriend out for a movie and stroll through the park. And then sometimes, you have to leave her.
How about a little Valentine’s Day inspiration from your favorite fictional couples?
You see, my father was going to Heaven. He was raised an Orthodox Jew, the only child of Victor and Dorothy, but becoming Catholic, this was the way forward for him. He would be saved.
You’d be surprised the kind of memories that can be sparked by a simple phrase or even by the look and feel of a book.
This is probably not a good idea. BUT! The body wants what it wants and it’s okay for us to make mistakes sometimes and gosh darnit, if we’re going to do this thing we might as well do it as consciously as we can.
Maybe Josephine Baker and Frida Kahlo were actually lovers? Maybe they weren’t. What always mattered most was the idea that they even could.
“I don’t need you to respect me, I respect me. I don’t need you to love me, I love me.”