It’s the Season of the Witch and Hekate, Goth-as-Hell Goddess of Outcast Women
Hekate is the goddess of outcast women and taking power where you find it.
Hekate is the goddess of outcast women and taking power where you find it.
We’re closing out LGBT History Month with Jeanne Córdova — a legendary publisher and activist who died last year and included Autostraddle as one of many beneficiaries of her estate, which is why we didn’t lose our minds this year.
Women athletes who came out before very recently risked everything to do so: their endorsements, their fans, their spots on their teams, their livelihoods, and sometimes even their own lives. Here are 22 lesbian, bisexual and trans women athletes who changed their games and changed the game for LGBTQ people by choosing to live openly.
How two 1970s and 1980s lesbian BDSM books changed the national conversation around feminism, lesbianism, and kink.
When you’re a Broadway starlet indicted for the murder of your wealthy young boyfriend even though it was a suicide, who’re you gonna call? Your wealthy ex-girlfriend!
We could hardly believe it was real, and now we can hardly believe that it’s over.
Charlotte Cushman is at it again!
It’s LGBT History Month, a month-long annual observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, a topic which is near and dear to our hearts because it is definitely NOT near OR dear to the hearts of anybody in charge of public education.
Some very cool ladies to remember in all that we do
Gay rights pioneer Edith Windsor died today in Manhattan. She was 88 years old.
What do the first Chinese-American filmmaker, the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and the first woman to wear man-tailored shorts at Wimbledon all have in common? They had romantic feelings about other women, just like you!
What a colorful decade for us all!
These are the ladies who made kickass sculptures, movies, music, children’s books, regular grown-up-books and, of course, wrote fabulous, sick, neurotic, tortured love poems to one another.
Why learn about butch lesbian herstory when you can learn about butch lesbian herstory by way of babes?
“Numerous Hollywood actresses — Garbo, Gish, Dietrich, Jean Arthur, um, Kay Francis, Stanwyck, Bankhead, Del Rio, Janet Gaynor, etc., etc., — have enjoyed lesbian or bi relationships. Have you ever…?”
To solve today’s environmental issues, we need new voices, preferably voices from different parts of the population than we’ve heard from in years past. Let’s hear from some queer women rocking environmental justice.
Then, as now, a certain sort of man was fascinated by these so-called petticoat duels, and The Illustrated Police News, Britain’s first tabloid and official worst newspaper, liked to report on them in full. With pictures.
Hatshepsut is the original Mommi
Everyone on staff tells me WITHOUT LOOKING where they think the lesbian toaster thing came from.
RIP sweet girls.