Also.Also.Also: We Get It, Bill de Blasio’s Wife Once Identified As Lesbian, And Other Stories We Missed This Week
Starring IKEA Monkey as Margot Tenenbaum.
Starring IKEA Monkey as Margot Tenenbaum.
Notre Dame has approved an LGBT student organization and the club must preach chastity for LGBTQ students. Which makes me think maybe we should take our gay money elsewhere.
Hillary Clinton is a 21st Century Girl, Drag Queens love themselves, and gay people around the globe are making strides!
What a Presidential cat, indeed.
You can take the word out of the stylebook, but you can’t take the complexity out of the word.
Willow Smith lives on, Chris Brown finally goes away, and you really just have to see this Swedish toy catalogue.
Hint: it’s not what The National Organization for Marriage’s Ruth Institute would like you to believe.
I bookended this article with pictures of animals. Just so you know.
Carly and Robin got married, I’m Thinkin’ Bout Booze, and it’s Trans* Awareness Week! Plus, more gay people are getting elected to things.
Drop the mic and walk off the stage.
Carmen’s Team Pick: The Strike Debt Rolling Jubilee is bailing the rest of us out. And it starts today.
A Floridian teacher stands up for her lesbian student, is blamed for student’s sexuality.
Freedom to Marry, Freedom to Love, Freedom to Wear A Tampon Costume.
The 2012 Election is a gift that never stops giving. Or at least, it hasn’t yet.
Young Hillary Clinton, the activists who did it for love – and life, and the ultimate response to the unforgettable question.
On Election Day, I need to know ALL THE THINGS, and I need to know them RIGHT NOW. But no fear, because of course, there’s an app for that. Several, actually!
This week we get to talk about Cher and Lady Gaga in practically the same breath.
I’m hacking an Eagle Award tonight and then I’m gonna move to Canada.
Ali’s Team Pick: Point Foundation is the largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ students. If you’re going to be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program for the 2013-2014, you can apply!
As the battle on marriage equality in Maryland and Minnesota heats up, Ravens and Vikings players find themselves lining up both for and against the cause.