Tegan & Sara Boxed a Set: 3 Films + 1 Live Record x Our Hearts = “Get Along”
This trailer will make your day and I like that because I want you to have all of the feelings about Tegan and Sara. Even the cheesy ones.
This trailer will make your day and I like that because I want you to have all of the feelings about Tegan and Sara. Even the cheesy ones.
This is where I tell you about Things Australians Like that the rest of the world will probably like too.
When I was nineteen I totally listened to “Nineteen” over and over again. What about you?
“For the first time in my life, I feel I could actually, legitimately, without room for interpretation, fail at something.”
“I guarantee she will have at least one song on this season of Grey’s Anatomy and/or Private Practice.”
I feel like sharing my workout mix with you is the most intimate thing I have ever done on the internet.
Sometimes you are busy, and sometimes you have an insane impossible deadline that’s been building for weeks and then still manages to hit you in the face.
All of the musicians on this list have kissed a girl and liked it.
Lindsay’s Team Pick: Having feelings? Still on the search for a fall soundtrack to listen to while sipping tea and pondering lost loves? Look no further than this late, great Glaswegian legend.
Crystal’s Team Pick: Rachael Yamagata has a new record and thanks to Paste Magazine, you don’t have to wait ’til next week to fall in love with it.
I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour but heaven knows I’m miserable now.
Jess chats with Southwest refugee Camila Grey, who gives us the Behind the Music treatment on touring with Adam Lambert and Uh Huh Her’s brand new record, Nocturnes, finally out October 11th.
Emily’s Team Pick: You’ll say, let me carry that, give that to me, and you will take the heavy stuff.
Crystal’s Team Pick: “Today is a very important day. Perhaps the most important day of the year. It’s Hilary Duff’s birthday.”
Intern Grace’s Team Pick: In which Harto raps and reminds us that “eating your feelings is healthy for you.” This is really gay.
Jess’s Team Pick: Did you know that riot grrl Kathleen Hanna inadvertently gave Kurt Cobain the title idea for “Smells Like Teen Spirit?”
What did the snowman learn about love? An awful lot, it turns out.
If October 2009 were a song, it would be this one.
“I think we’ve reached that point in the tour where the band members have become delirious.”
I hate everyone.