Stranger Things’ Third Season Delivers Unto Us a Snarky Lesbian
Watch “Stranger Things” Season Three for teen girls kicking monster ass to a Madonna soundtrack. And the lesbians. Always watch for the lesbians.
Watch “Stranger Things” Season Three for teen girls kicking monster ass to a Madonna soundtrack. And the lesbians. Always watch for the lesbians.
Plus updates on Burden of Truth, grown-ish, Ackley Bridge, and Tessa Thompson’s version of Eartha Kitt on Drunk History.
We’re looking to bring some more writers onto our team and maybe perhaps you are one of them?
Topics include Babe dot net, The Pioneer Woman, Judge Judy, queer food, GoFundMe healthcare, clapping back, Cooking: Why?, untying the knot at her throat and so much more!
What would you do at the queer and trans beach on your perfect beach day? Come pretend with me!
“I wasn’t a sports gay until this article and now I love sports.”
Your favorite music store gal pals/secret fight club are returning!
Feeling like a stranger in your body, on M.F.K. Fisher and joy in eating and writing, beach reads and more.
This year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup has been the gayest sporting event ever, as you see reflected here in this small selection of gay tweets compiled by Heather and ranked by thirst by Rachel.
Queer and trans people of color know more about the ugliness of America than most. But we’re still here. We’re still fighting for our liberation. Let us lift up those voices today.
“Don’t ever fall for a straight woman.”
I proudly present, the compliment to last season’s “Men Are Trash (But Sometimes Not)” leaderboard: “These Women Aren’t Defined by Their Relationships (But I am Judging Them for It)” leaderboard.
In the meantime, Samira Wiley wore rainbow eyeshadow, Stephanie Beatriz wore bisexual eyeshadow, and Evan Rachel Wood met a sexually fluid tiger.
I want to talk about loving and investing in friendship with the same fervor many of us have been taught to treat romantic relationships only.
World Pride took over New York last week in what was possibly the largest LGBTQIA+ event in history.
Kate McKinnon has her Marianne Williamson impression ready to go, Lucy Lawless can’t believe she’s still having to explain that Xena was gay, Rutina Wesley on this season of Queen Sugar, Lizzo’s not giving up on Ursula, the Black Lady Sketch Show, and more!
While “Turn This World Inside Out” makes plain the problems with shaming folks into a more liberated world free of gendered violence, it does so in limited ways that made me as a reader hungry for more.
Can we please get a “sustainability dyke” pin? I would love that so much.
Our angelic bisexual badass and soft butch sheriff are officially returning to us!
Someone has gotta make the first move, or you’re gonna spend the rest of your life hyper-aware of the fact that two centimeters of your outer thighs are touching as you sit next to each other rigidly on the sofa watching Masterchef Junior.