After 16-Year Struggle, New York State Medicaid Will Finally Cover Trans Healthcare
“Trans people of color and low income trans people have been struggling and organizing all along, because this is a life or death issue.”
“Trans people of color and low income trans people have been struggling and organizing all along, because this is a life or death issue.”
“To be clear, we are not here to change the system. We are here to SHUT IT DOWN.”
“While it is definitely tragic we still have to march, there is something beautiful and hopeful about the fact that I am fighting for [my mom’s] freedom as much as mine, and we’re both out here so that my nephew, who just turned one, hopefully won’t have to march when he grows up.”
While data is technically — partially — protected from search by the Fourth Amendment, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that our right to privacy is not always honored by law enforcement.
The FDA is the one politicizing the issue, not the blood organizations and medical associations that support lifting the lifetime ban.
This is a women’s issue because our sisters are being impacted directly, and because they’ve been harassed, beaten, raped, and killed by cops for centuries.
Michigan picks up where Arizona left off and tries to “restore” the right to discriminate based on religious beliefs. Worse yet, the bill has better traction that a bill to protect LGBT residents.
Let’s talk about the ways women, communities and even institutions are responding to the situation in ways that can bring us hope.
“It’s so important to do what makes you feel centered and strong again as a QTPOC trying to deal with this country right now. It would have taken Herculean levels of self-care to come close to what one Speakeasy Google Hangout did for me last night.”
A 9,000 word Rolling Stone piece about rape culture at the University of Virginia is falling apart at the binding as details of its central narrative, the story of a vicious gang rape at a fraternity party, come under scrutiny.
A Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Daniel Pantaleo, a white police officer who choked Eric Garner to death during the summer.
A change to FDA policy matters not just because it is based on sound science and will potentially increase blood donations — it would be a powerful and tangible step away from a culture that criminalized homosexuality and AIDS for decades.
When a grand jury failed to indict Michael Brown’s killer, protests broke out across the globe. Members of the Speakeasy, with heavy hearts and revolutionary intentions, were on the front lines.
Plus a list of queer authors and artists of color, and information about hundreds of ways to support BLACKOUT.
What do you do when you’ve done everything “right” and you are still mistreated? You take it to the streets. You take your rage and pain and power you make people listen. You burn and you scream and you keep screaming until someone else shows up and offers you a hand.
Both rulings have been stayed, but marriage equality in the South seems kind of inevitable now.
You can do more than helplessly watch the news. You can use your voice, your money and your time to help spread the message that Black Lives Matter.
Tonight, the announcement came that the grand jury did not indict Darren Wilson for his shooting of Michael Brown.
This is an essay about searching for the most effective ways to engage those ambivalent, apathetic, or misinformed people who might otherwise find themselves on the right side of justice.
Is the President’s plan enough? As long as there are people whose lives and families are in the US remain vulnerable to deportation, is not enough, but it is something, and it is the result of the hard work of thousands of activists who have put everything on the line to make their presence known as undocumented and immigrant Americans who deserve rights and dignity.