Get Baked: Grilled Veggies
Get your charcoal, lighter fluid, and beverage of choice and get ready to impress your friends with the magic of fire!
Get your charcoal, lighter fluid, and beverage of choice and get ready to impress your friends with the magic of fire!
I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly.
Exactly what it sounds like: One queer in a kitchen making half-assed grilled cheese sandwiches. And it is sublime.
This hilarious site offers recipes and endless meal ideas for the indecisive, both veggie and meat-eating!
Carlsberg knows that you, as a woman, can’t handle the masculine design of other beers, so they made a new beer for you. What kind of beer do you drink anyhow, lesbo?
Kale is superior to any other cabbage-like vegetable! Get Baked proves it with hummus, stir-fry, chips and pure, unadulterated love.
In which we discuss how not to upset your herbivorous ladyfriend.
Things that aren’t animals, between breads!
We pay tribute to the greatest meal ever. You can cover everything in maple syrup if you want to, and no one can really say anything about it.
Has anyone else ever loved you enough to make you TWO DIFFERENT vegan macaroni and cheese dishes? Don’t ever say we aren’t good to you. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY QUEERMOS, we made some things for you!
Sometimes I’m like, “Does the ‘Get Baked’ thing still work if we’re talking about [food that is not baked]?” And then I’m like, “Shut up when does a weed reference NOT work.” BITCHIN’ SOUP.
You spend way more time thinking about eating than you do thinking about eating her out.
Eight holiday drinks! One for each night of Hanukkah! Which is already over but don’t let that stop you from celebrating. Later on we can hunt for Easter eggs. What? I don’t know. Aren’t excerpts fun? I learned how to say ‘cheers’ in German!
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay.
Six yummy and happenstancely vegan side dishes for your holiday feast!
Halloween is over but there’s still time to do things with pumpkins. Vegan Spiced Pumpkin Pie! Pumpkin Soup! Pumpkin Granola! Pumpkin Squares!
Are you hungry? YOU BETTER GET THAT WAY.
It’s a slow news week! I bet you want some tea to keep you warm! Good news, we have some teas for you!