The Comment Awards Are Ready For Hillary (And The Weekend)
Dinos, pirates and dildos, oh my!
Dinos, pirates and dildos, oh my!
Ain’t no party like a Spice World party ’cause a Spice World party mixes up her ’90s pop culture references.
Summer shorts, Kristen Stewart and dino dykes.
I really wanna know what sign you are! Plus, I’m hoping to find at least 50-100 other weirdos who rely on an arbitrary constellation assignment to guide their daily lives.
Ice cream plus fireworks plus Riese’s mom
This is a special edition of the Friday Open Thread with a lot more cooks in the kitchen; instead of being hosted by one Autostraddle staffer, this week the open thread is being hosted by Riese, Laneia, Yvonne, Alex, Rachel and Grace, who are all in the same damn place for their annual planning retreat and summit. And now you’re here too! WE ARE SO EXCITED.
Introducing Autostraddle Plus, our premium membership program!
I’d like to chat with you about pretty much anything that’s on your mind, especially if it includes your favorite song about the US of A or the memories you have of riding the tilt-a-whirl with your middle school crush at your small town’s Fourth of July carnival. But also, we can talk about anything. Like, seriously anything.
The one where we talk about scissoring.
We’re looking for gutsy and ambitious reporters who wanna join the best team ever and get paid to write about stuff that matters.
Let’s play show and tell.
Berries, buffer zones and your relationship in a .gif
Summer gays driftin’ away, to uh-oh those summer nights. (Tell me more, tell me more…)
We’re playing with Legos, planning pride meet-ups and coming up for air after OITNB season 2.
Hey! We kind of need you to get in here in order to make this really a party, y’know?
Tell us why you’re awesome and you could win a tablet or a movie! Here, we made you a video all about it.
So much new stuff in the store, y’all!
Your regularly scheduled programming will return shortly.
Get me Chinese food, a Red Bull, and way too many blankets, stat!
An A-Camp hangover, rum cake and Evan Rachel Wood Bisexual Single.