Get Baked: Take Your Lunch To Work Day
You’re taking your LUNCH to work like a motherf*cking ADULT
You’re taking your LUNCH to work like a motherf*cking ADULT
For when you want your solids to be liquids! Juicer-free juicing for the juicer in all of us.
Are you thirsty? You should have a drink. An extremely cheap drink that will probably slowly kill you.
How better to end the summer than pizza? I mean, I guess you could add a beer?
Jess’s Team Pick: Honey LaBronx’s “Vegan Drag Queen Cooking Show” & “The Vegan Zombie”
Delicious potato salad, no mayo or weird shredded carrots required.
Intern Grace’s Team Pick: A girl making alcohol puns for three minutes while discussing pop culture. She just really gets you, you know?
No really, how do you?
Six delicious berry recipes for your sweltering summer soul! Perfect for vegans and non-vegans who likes breakfast, lunch or dinner! With berries!
Sarah’s Team Pick: Some brilliant Canadian person figured out that queer and beer rhyme, and then they made a festival out of it. Damn.
Are you doing this right now? There is absolutely no excuse not to.
What makes a children’s animated movie more interesting? Gin, vodka, vodka, and a little more vodka.
Laneia’s Team Pick: You could probably prepare these meals in your sleep.
The one where a bunch of cute queer girls make you some ice cream! Peanut Butter Banana Vegan Ice Cream? Mint Chip Semifreddo? Homemade Ice Cream Cones? We’ve got all that and more.
This is easiest thing you will ever make that takes five minutes and still looks fancy.
Lesbians and granola go together like cat photos and the Internet. Today on Get Baked: honey-almond granola, pecan granola, and “I am allergic to everything ever” buckwheat granola.
Rachel and Stef have tested a vegan cookbook for you! Here’s what they thought.
Rhubarb – not just your grandmother’s first and middle names anymore.
In which Laura walks you through an entire menu including falafel, tabouli, pita and more!