NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is Not Overthinking It
Stop appropriating sex worker aesthetics, actually dating from dating apps, separation anxiety and more.
Stop appropriating sex worker aesthetics, actually dating from dating apps, separation anxiety and more.
I hope that as time goes on I have reason to bring out the truly magnificent recipes i’ve been dreaming up in anticipation, but for now we start with a snack.
Plus, American Horror Story: 1984 and Why Women Kill!
Topics include TikTok, Pam Grier, Tavi on Instagram, crystals, murder, Empire Records, sex work, millennial burnout, Stanford and more!
We talked to bi+ women about how they express and stay connected with their queerness while dating cis heterosexual men.
“I’ve always found the word ‘spreadsheet’ low-key dirty sounding, because I’m an eternal twelve year-old.”
It has come to my attention that not everyone shares my correct opinions. And so, today, I invite you to make the case for why your favorite cereal is the best cereal.
Pull a card to see which relationship format is right for you.
“Being out of the closet is really intense when you’re related to Shelly Pfefferman.”
Though there are still those who would keep bi characters off YA shelves, there are also plenty of fantastic young adult graphic novels, fantasy books, contemporary novels, and even nonfiction collections with bisexual characters that find their way into the hands of young readers and adults who appreciate YA. Here are a few essentials to check out during bisexual awareness month.
I’ve been looking for myself in mainstream fashion shows for 30 years, and the very first thing Rihanna did in her moment was say, “I got you sis.”
Taste a whole celebration of fall and a new year in every bite of my favorite challah!
The tears came only after I thought about how cowardly I felt for denying my sexuality in order to fit in better, for how hurt and betrayed I felt that a group of marginalized people that I connected with so well would so easily marginalize me in return.
Nostalgia as a way to connect with diaspora, we are about to lose memory and history, reading on the climate emergency and more.
“There were a lot of snacks!”
“That’s your cue, Romeo!”
Bi people’s dating experiences are often complicated by biphobia and sometimes, a feeling of isolation from both queer and straight monosexual people.
Please apply before November 1st!
A how-to guide to your first polyamorous adventure, from someone who made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.