Dark Under Eye Circles Are Gay, or: Hi, I’m Depressed
Is it not a gay badge of honor to be tired and sad and drained and to still exist?
Is it not a gay badge of honor to be tired and sad and drained and to still exist?
Inspired by their vulnerability and the powerful throwback energy of high-school-age Sara and Tegan, we’ve cracked open our own high school diaries to show you our deepest, darkest, gayest secrets and send a little love and perspective back through time on who we’ve been.
The show putting Ruby and Sapphire together isn’t a fluke — these two are a great match for each other, both stubborn and passionate and potentially dangerous with their respective abilities to generate heat and cold. They’re literally cut from the same stone.
Tegan and Sara have mined through their pasts, found the gems, and put together a poignant ode to their past selves. We can live vicariously through their public vulnerability and imagine — without evidence — that if we did the same, we’d be charmed, rather than horrified, by what we found.
Lena Waithe loves Euphoria, Kiersey Clemons is surviving on a tropical desert island, Deanne Smith gets a glamour shot, Chelsea Gray loves winning, Leisha Hailey loves a dog but Amber Heard also loves a dog and also wow Instagram your algorithm doesn’t understand me at all and I’ll tell you why!
Janelle Monáe singing, Tessa Thomson’s voice, and Kiersey Clemons’ face in the new Lady and the Tramp trailer; Jameela Jamil is not straight; Grace Choi will be back on Black Lightning; and more!
Lesbians can be rich and mean too.
Whatever my quibbles with All American, it’s moments like these that truly separate the show from nearly every other one on television. Everything about the scene between Coop and her mother felt real and lived in it’s not just that All American is telling this story, it’s that they’re doing it in a way that feels authentic.
She lets Miriam bite her arm. She lets Miriam suck her blood. She enjoys it. She wants more. She wants all of it.
Amber Dawn and Justin Ducharme just dropped the first poetry anthology written by self-identified sex workers. Fifty-six self-identified sex workers from across North America, Europe, and Asia are featured. All of them are a different facet to the story that policymakers and social workers and Hollywood never told quite right.
Why did this movie tank so hard that it was almost immediately out of theaters in America? Why did this not get the coverage or accolades it deserved for being the first mainstream Bollywood movie about a lesbian relationship?
Well, long story short, the movie is bad.
Alex and Kelly’s relationship is put to the test as a shapeshifter tries to shake things up for Team Supergirl.
For this piece, I talked to some trans women about their names and their experiences changing them legally (or choosing not to), as well as a couple of the incredible organizations attempting the make the process more accessible to all of us.
Let’s remind the world that queerdos own the witching hour with creative, utterly adorable couples and throuples costumes.
Arlan Hamilton was truly delighted to join us for the most depressing “L Word” episode so far. It was really good but also like… really sad. But it didn’t stop Helena from going on three dates in one day!
What’s up with your Venus, what happens in couples’ therapy, what to wear to break up with your partner and more!
Dua Saleh with a new music video, a new Netflix food show with TWO queer women, twerking on Lizzo, Twitches, and more!
Being queer is being free.
It’s officially the time of year when comfort and coziness are the only thing on my mind.
From the crucial necessity of giving Black trans women a platform to speak to the legacy of the fight for marriage equality to the urgency of addressing FOSTA/SESTA, six takeaways from last night’s Presidential Town Hall.