Queer Sex Coven: Braid Sex Into Love (and Sex)
There is no chill in Scorpio season, so let’s braid you into a relationship.
There is no chill in Scorpio season, so let’s braid you into a relationship.
One time my dad tried to make me go to bed before The Facts of Life came on and I stood at the closed door of the den and cried so hard and so long and so loud that my neighbors called the cops.
Topics include tenacious Florida women, why NBC killed their Weinstein reporting, sexual violence, checking a bag, systemic racism in Milwaukee, circuit parties, the perfect coke dealer and more!
Like March Madness for your horny, freak dyke friends. Of 6 lesbian or bisexual vampires from cinema and literature, which one would you buss it wide open for?
“Proud Gemini here – we invented parties and the double-ended dildo, so keep sipping that Hateorade.”
It’s fall, so #feelingsfall continues — Claud has some baby gay angst anthems, Heather Mae has all the feelings if you want to cry, and Big Thief gets raw and vulnerable.
Jenna’s journey of self-discovery continues in the darker, stronger, gayer second season.
While I really love the feeling of being transported to a new time and place, like when I’m reading a good book, what really got me misty-eyed about this festival was how inclusive of all weirdness it was.
The show has all the subtlety of a freak show. It’s horror-camp. It’s musical theater. And I absolutely mean all of those things as compliments.
An epically organized guide to some of our best work on topics including depression, anxiety, grief, eating disorders, substance abuse and other legitimately important topics.
Only 45 more days until December 8!
Let’s rebrand fall as Sex With Friends Season rather than Cuffing Season, yeah?
“Where are the boundaries between story and real life, between consciousness and an idea?” Plus, the petty errors that pull you out of a piece of writing, how books became a lifestyle brand and, one assumes, a personality, and more.
Five vampire couples who may not be safe to hang around when they’re hungry, but are pretty good girlfriends
She’s been through too much ambiguity to be, simply, a Good Janet. Rather she is Complicated Janet. Humanity’s Champion Janet. Janet beyond the binary.
“You don’t know my thirst!”
Scorpio invites us to dive as deep as possible, to consider what we want and to go after it with intense focus and endless drive. For those that can navigate this energy with an open mind, there’s endless potential for understanding, connection, and learning to trust personal intuition and magic.
During my very first tabletop roleplaying adventure, my wood elf ranger casually picked up what was a very clearly a very cursed bell; rang it; and sprouted a pair of donkey ears — and that’s when I became hooked on Dungeons & Dragons.
It’s officially October, which means it’s time to break out the horror movies. Here are a few suggestions to win over your summer crush that will be gone by spring.