5 Things You Should Know About Solidarity with Incarcerated LGBT People: A Conversation With Black and Pink
The experience of getting a letter is one of the most important moments or feelings of connection to something.
The experience of getting a letter is one of the most important moments or feelings of connection to something.
Research on nationwide LGBT legal equality, bisexuals in the UK, racism in the university classroom, and religion. PLUS updates on your fave/least fave Republicans, police practices overhaul in Cleveland, new laws and more!
Kristene has struggled to overcome the loss of her girlfriend, physical and mental health challenges, and financial barriers to receiving the care she needs. Today, her dream is to spread a message of hope to other trauma victims and the LGBT community.
Why some members of San Francisco’s BlackOut Collective protested topless, the Girl Scouts of America reaffirm their trans inclusive policies, a man is charged with London Chanel’s death and other news stories!
Nearly 62 percent of Irish voters cast their ballot in favor of marriage equality!
Emma Sulkowicz carried her mattress at graduation, Michael Brown should have been 19 this week, a young trans girl who’s banned from the correct bathroom, support for same-sex marriage at an all-time high, and more!
The way the media reported on the deadly Waco shootout, a trans woman was stabbed in Philly, there’s new restrictions on military style equipment for the local police and more news stories!
Ireland could be the first country in the world to have voted, as a population, for marriage equality. Though she be small, she is mighty.
Many eyes are on Passion Star, but overall the urgency around prison rape has faltered in the 12 years since PREA passed, the Times notes. Regulations won’t do much if prisons and state governments don’t have cultures of taking sexual violence, especially against LGB and trans prisoners, seriously.
Stories on the status of incarcerated trans women, Palestinian statehood, Jeb Bush, blood donation guidelines, crisis pregnancy centers being glitter-bombed, and more!
Governor Cuomo issues emergency measures for nail salons, the Obama administration clarifies what birth control is covered under the Affordable Care Act, a trans woman is suing Barnes & Noble and more news stories!
I hear he’s a socialist. That’s cool. But also he’s an old straight white man, like the vast majority of American politicians, so what would his alleged socialism mean for people who aren’t old straight white men?
Many upsetting Texas bills, Dorian Johnson’s arrest, a chapter of the Satanic Temple in MIssouri exercising its religious freedom, the first-ever LGBTQ Leaders of Color White House Summit, updates on presidential candidates across the board, and more!
Bernie Sanders, long-serving independent, is running for President as a Democrat, what the #talkpay hashtag is all about, May Day protests around the world and more news!
Here’s a complete rundown of everything we know about what’s happened as of this moment.
Protests continue in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death, the Pope speaks out against gendered pay inequality, Harvard’s poll of young voters, a Republican politician on Grindr, and more!
It has arrived! The day is here! The Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments about marriage equality this morning.
Gov. Larry Hogan activates the National Guard after calling a state of emergency in Baltimore, Nicoll Hernández-Polanco has been granted asylum, a Nashville landlord refused to rent to a lesbian couple, and more news!
Two of the biggest LGBT legal issues on everyone’s mind right now are the upcoming Supreme Court hearings on marriage equality and Religious Freedom Restoration Acts. How are the two going to impact each other?
Get to know Loretta Lynch, the first black woman to ever hold the office of Attorney General.