What We Comment About When We Comment About Commenting
The rise of social media and the triumph of trolls has led many popular websites to shut down comments or let them spiral into extinction. NOT US.
The rise of social media and the triumph of trolls has led many popular websites to shut down comments or let them spiral into extinction. NOT US.
We love you, and we love what you have to say. That’s why during Tell Me Everything week we want you to leave as many comments as you can — FOR PRIZES!
Miley’s makeout sesh, the sexuality of M&Ms and the story of NO.
Get in here and get free with me! Even if it’s just for the afternoon while you grill a veggie burger in your flip-flops. I’m okay with that.
Best Pride month ever!
What are you waiting for? Let’s wait together.
“I went on a date with Laneia once.”
Wolf parents, gal pal dates and tank tops.
Let’s talk about that feeling of having our feet on the ground for once, ya know? Or just share pictures of your puppy so we can all squeal with delight. LET’S JUST HANG OUT, OKAY? Okay!
We’ve got two styles of Scissoring tanks for ya — a black Flowy Scoop Muscle Tank and a grey Unisex jersey tank. Get yours before they sell out!
The best place to come up for air during your Orange Is The New Black marathon!
I left the real world to hang out on the mountain but I’m not looking to leave the Autostraddle universe anytime soon, so let’s just hold each other or whatever. GET IN HERE!
So, we’re not at A-Camp. We can still bask in our queer feels and hang out here on the open thread. Also, Mari’s getting married tomorrow.
Punditry, road trips and texting back.
Ain’t no party like an AS party cuz we party on top of g-damb mountain. I’m talking about queer parties with brujas, loverbois, Harry Potter heads, and geeked out cyborgs. Come talk to us about that one time at that party that was the best ever.
Queer prom adventures, Frosted Mini Wheats and bees!
Oh, how I wish we could go on a road trip right now! Have you ever gone road trippin’? Tell me about your best road trip IRL or in your mind. Where did you go? Or where would you go? Alone or with a friend or lover? Describe it to me!
What do you wear when you want to feel amazing? How did you learn that it made you feel amazing?
Ambitious sex spots, shopping on ‘shrooms and coding.
I did! That “oh f*ck” moment where the realization of that thing you had to do appears all of a sudden from the fog of your over-stimulated brain and strikes an immediate clutch-your-chest wave of fear that ripples throughout your body. Get in here and tell us about it!