• Two and a Half Men is Even Worse Than I Expected it to Be – Recap Episode 818: “Look at my Penis RAWR”

    #1 thing we don’t understand about America: the enduring success of Two and a Half Men, CBS’s “guy-com” starring Charlie Sheen and John Cryer. Perhaps recapping it will enhance our viewing experience.

  • Sweet Sweet Charlene of Logo’s “Gimme Sugar”: The Autostraddle Interview

    “You have to break the shell, be okay with who you are regardless of the cameras and know that there’s someone out there who’s gonna relate to you. There’s no character space so if you’re not yourself that shuts off the whole reason for reality TV. Especially when it’s something about lesbians — that’s for everyone, even for gay boys, we’re fighting for visibility.”

  • No Limits (For Real!): British Import Sugar Rush Comes to America

    It’s not a revolution … but it’s solid. It’s sweet, it’s snappy, it’s clever, smart, delicious. It gets away with things American teevee shows never try for. It’s everything television should be.

  • Come on Ilene, I’m Begging You Please!

    Why oh why won’t Chaikenbake give us a decent [or any] sex scene on The L Word this season? In a world where all we seen on screen is heterosexual sex, we need somewhere where are desires are not just validated but portrayed.

  • Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going: L Word Season Five Retrospective, Unfortunately Not a Recap

    The L Word’s almost over!! Two short-but-sweet weeks from now, we’ll all be forced to look at each others’ faces and speak words to each other about actual life instead of funneling all our feelings into fictional characters who change personalities every season and often disappear suddenly without warning/explanation.

  • The L Word Episode 509 Recap: Liquid Heat

    Everything in LA is too hot to live. The ladies of The L Word have a showdown a la “The Godfather” and then everyone goes home [or to an elevator] and has a lot of sex while Freezepop plays in the back.

  • The L Word Episode 603 Recap: LMFAO

    See the joy and the laughter! At “LMFAO”’s end, Tasha’s proud of Alice, Bette & Tina are in love 4evs, Kit & Helena have successfully turned Hit Club into “Casablanca meets Studio Fifty-Fouh” (that’s my best transliteration of Kit’s pronunciation of “4″), Shane & Jenny are in the giggly charged-up first moments of what they still believe is Real Love and everyone is dancing and/or laughing! AND SCENE!!

  • The L Word Epsiode 404 Recap: Layup

    First of all: Hellooooooo Paige! Someone tell Papi that she can be a chula without the Hobby Lobby hats, please. In other news, remember how you laughed the whole time they played basketball? Me too.

  • The L Word Episode 410 Recap: Little Boy Blue

    The top three ways you can tell EZ-Girl wrote this episode? Max kissed mice when he was little, Tina likes movies that are very “visual”, and Catharine thinks drawing with lipstick is sexy. Luckily, Jenny just wants to take off her clothes in public.