Foolish Child #71: “We’re in this Together!”
Coronavirus commercials are getting more and more aggressive.
Coronavirus commercials are getting more and more aggressive.
I can’t believe these heroes and villains have brought all their lesbian drama to bear on the resolution of the biggest arc of the season; I’ve been waiting to see this on TV my entire life!
Everyone builds or maintains their brand every time they walk into a room. The issue is that right now we’re walking into less and less rooms.
Plus, Gaby Dunn does cool baby sitter cosplay and I am praying Sarah Paulson makes “Winnie Wednesdays” a permanent thing.
“So keep on living. Get on the other side of this. There’s more.”
By the time we’re finally allowed outside, all the lesbian bars might be dead, for good this time. Also, giving love to modern day butch icons, imagining Met Gala fashion that could have been, and the USWNT lost their equal pay case because… patriarchy.
I text her to let her know my treat is here and to ask if we can use it tonight. If you’re good, she texts. I’m always good, I write back. Suddenly I really want it to be tonight.
I believe my queerness makes my Asian-ness and my adoptee-ness stronger. I am more myself when I hold all these truths together than when I try to compartmentalize them.
I was ready to declare myself and to bring everyone else who was ready along for the ride. I thought, “I’m going to put as many women as I can into one publication, and they’re gonna get to say whatever the f*ck they want.” And Selfish, the magazine, was born.
“I’m a passionate person” I might write in a dating profile, which sounds harmless and doesn’t touch the deep smolder I experience daily. We’re bringing you stories in this issue from people who are also deeply moved and motivated by their feelings — about desire, about truth-seeking, about fighting for change, about fighting the body.
This is going to go great, I swear! Here are six tips to get you started.
“P.S. I’d hoped the picture I submitted would be with my neighborhood turkey that I’ve enjoyed searching for on my daily walk…”
This week’s Extra! Extra! COVID-19 looks at the pandemic from a few angles: personal experiences of having the virus, how the pandemic is affecting sex workers and how corruption, profiteering and discrimination are alive and well, even during a pandemic.
Get ready to love Alice Wu more, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum are back, the final She-Ra trailer, the horniest episode of Xena, Janelle Monae’s new horror film has a release date, and a Wonder Woman spin-off about Amazonians!
“There’s a once-in-century virus eating away at the fabric of everything we know about how to live, just let the gays kiss for once! Let women of color win the fucking Oscar!” Drew, Riese and Carmen binged Ryan Murphy’s newest Netflix release, and they can’t wait to talk about it.
Melissa Benoist makes her directing debut, Alex eats dumplings, and Lena wears one hell of a suit.
I’m not trying to work up a sweat here, I’m trying to eat a fucking potato.
There aren’t a ton of songs specifically about vague longing in the middle of a global pandemic, so consider this playlist a narrative journey of feelings.
Raise your hand if you remember Papi’s rules of poker!
Happy Sunday! Let’s get tipsy with some divas in robes, watch some queer fantasy films, fall in love with teen lesbians, support insider art, learn the history of the world according to cats and more!