Also.Also.Also: Pride Has Changed Forever
Gender-affirming surgery during the pandemic, queer Midwestern authors, Maya Moore’s quest for justice, writing on how mutual aid works and more!
Gender-affirming surgery during the pandemic, queer Midwestern authors, Maya Moore’s quest for justice, writing on how mutual aid works and more!
Trying to erase the past doesn’t HELP Black folks.
How many times have you heard that we’re “in a new world” recently? “Disability Visibility” challenges us to consider what a world with disability at its core can look like.
On Sunday June 28, the anniversary of the start of the Stonewall Riots, we threw a little digital shindig to celebrate Pride as an uprising and to raise money for Women for Political Change in Minneapolis. We’re giving A+ Members access even if they couldn’t make the live show because they’re the best, so if you sign up now, you just have to await the weekly A+ E-News for details!
These past few weeks I’ve been drawn to music that is anti-cop, anti-establishment, and/or pro-black. These songs span genre but mostly lie somewhere between punk and hip hop. They embody either my rage or my love for the unwavering strength, resilience, and spirit of black people.
Look, there are a lot of Janelle Moane in here, and also some real journeys of pride posts.
Pearl Mackie (aka Doctor Who’s Bill Potts) came out as bisexual, Glee filled its audience with mannequins???, a look inside a Black Lady Sketch Show’s writers room, and more!
And a healthy dose of women in top hats.
With another eclipse and Saturn moving back into Capricorn, we’ve got some work to do this month.
“the sex bench is like all the flatware in beauty and the beast collecting dust waiting for somebody to come along and use it to feel purpose / meaning again”
A young black queer girl goes to her first pride parade, tackles her fears of her own queerness rooted in acceptance, and becomes friends with other black queer people after the death of her parents.
At this moment in time with uprisings against anti-Blackness happening in the US and all over the world, it feels urgent to focus on Black authors who are imagining Black futures. Plus, it was Octavia Butler’s birthday on June 22!
How NYC’s jail policies are being changed in response to Layleen Polanco’s death, the highs and lows of last weekend’s NWSL Challenge Cup, Sonia Sotomayor’s legacy of standing against systemic racism on the Supreme Court, and more.
Black Pride in DC is a chance to celebrate our community’s resilience, honor our history and organize for a better future! This year, I attended afro-futurist art shows, alien burlesque performances, and intergalactic dance parties, all on Zoom from the safety of my couch.
As trans people who are so accustomed to losing our chosen family before they become elders, Ceyenne Doroshow is setting a blueprint for what it means to live fiercely and claim a stake on your life.
In the Season 4 finale of “The L Word,” we finally find out if Bette Porter knows how to drive a tractor!
Theres been a lot of hate for “hard pants” lately…
There’s nothing gayer than falling in love with your best friend, which is why it’s endlessly bizarre and frustrating that we hardly ever see it happen on TV.
We are in the middle of a revolution. My Black woman’s anger is here to signal a necessary sea change. Understand that all of our freedoms are bound up in one another.
Wait, you may be thinking, “didn’t Taylor Schilling come out a million years ago?” The answer is no, Taylor Schilling came out yesterday.