FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Pump Up the Jam, Pump It Up
It’s Friday! Come on in here and make a real-time mixtape with me!
It’s Friday! Come on in here and make a real-time mixtape with me!
These comments are so good it’s spoooOOOooOOOky!
I will carve a pumpkin, dammit.
We REALLY need your financial help so we’re making it as affordable as possible for you to give it. Step inside to learn about Cobalt Level and other ways to help Autostraddle remain viable!
Things we’re still fighting about, the story behind “Ermahgerd Girl” and Kristen Stewart.
Where are the places in your city that feel the most like home? What bars or coffee shops or vegan joints do you report to on the regular to get your fix, or flirt with a cute barista? Who do you know by name at the dog park? When did you finally figure out your neighborhood, and what are your favorite spots there? Get in here and talk to me about the places where everybody knows your name!
Wanna get paid to write cool stuff for a bunch of really fantastic people / the world? We’re looking for a few new voices with a lot of opinions to share and jokes to tell. Get in here!
Flannel flair, scissoring attire and kitty treats.
Once upon a time, you were just a little lamb of a baby queer in this big wide world. What did you imagine your adult life to look like? Were you right? Get in here and tell us about it!
In commemoration of Indigenous People’s Day, here are 12 Native American and First Nation queer, two-spirit, lesbian, agender and otherwise relevant-to-your-interests humans way more worthy of a holiday than Christopher Columbus.
One small step out of the closet, one fantastic step into internet lore.
Stuff is just stuff. But sometimes some stuff is more. Let’s chat about it. What special trinkets and items are you holding on to? What do they mean to you?
Dealbreakers, driving and Demi Lovato and that bird.
What are you playing? And how did your week go? What are you having for dinner? Did you take any cute selfies recently? What’s been on your mind? I’m here! Let’s talk!
The Comment Awards are here for fall with thoughts about Galadriel, Jane Austen, and righteous Stonewall indignation.
I’m having a lot of feelings about “home” and I want you to come share in this general pool of emotions with me. Or not! Either way, GET IN HERE!
Gal pals, lazy femmes and loads more icing on your cake from the School of Autostraddle
OMG SHOES! Tell me about your favorite shoes. Or what your shoes say about you as a human person. Or how you feel about the word “loafers.” Get in here!
Have you done your homework?
We’ve been hosting Autostraddle meet-ups for years, and now I want you to report back on the good, the best, and the warm and fuzzy. Get in here!