Mourning Paris and Beirut
Here’s a link roundup of things you should read about the Paris and Beirut terror attacks and the aftermath, and a short news fix with LGBT news and racial justice news.
Here’s a link roundup of things you should read about the Paris and Beirut terror attacks and the aftermath, and a short news fix with LGBT news and racial justice news.
The second Democratic debate featured two fewer debaters, a moment of silence for Paris, and a lot of tweets.
A Utah judge takes a child away from her foster parents because they’re lesbians, Texas daycare workers sue over respecting a trans child’s gender, threats and backlash at Mizzou, and more.
“I got about four minutes in the last debate. I’m going to get my question right now.”
A rundown of everything that happened at the University of Missouri and the #ConcernedStudent1950 movement, the Mississippi Supreme Court issues its first gay divorce, the Nebraska Health and Human Services will list the names of same-sex spouses on birth certificates and more news!
The federal government confirms that a trans student’s right to use the correct bathroom is guaranteed by Title IX, Daniel Holtzclaw’s jury will be all white, ex-boxer Yusaf Mack is bisexual and more.
Houston failed to pass a nondiscrimination ordinance by a really wide margin. It’s frightening to think how successful Republicans and religious right-wing conservatives were at creating a fearmongering, smear campaign against trans women and how it ultimately won over voters and the election.
It’s gonna be a close race in Houston as it decides if a nondiscrimination ordinances passes, there’s a bunch of other municipal elections happening that you should keep an eye on, Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project has a new survey to gather stories and data on LGBTQ immigrant experiences, the AP uncovered over 1,000 cases where law enforcement officers committed a sex crime and more news stories.
A lesbian couple from LA says they were arrested for kissing in public when they visited Hawaii on vacation and are now filing a lawsuit, Paul Ryan will be our next Speaker of the House, Tara Hudson is being sent to a men’s prison, Cleveland is outraged about how the investigation into Tamir Rice’s death is being handled and more.
If you missed the debate itself, congratulations. This is all you really need to know.
Texas health investigators raided Planned Parenthoods across the state and obtained patient record information, a school district outside Chicago could lose up to $6 million in federal funding for not allowing a teen trans girl to use the correct locker room, Hillary Clinton will stop accepting money from private prison companies and more news stories.
I had heard about Reina Gossett and Grace Dunham’s close relationship, and how it was informing some incredible work together, so I sought them out to find out more — over the course of our afternoon together in NYC, our conversation covered everything from the damages of biological essentialism to the radical power of empathy to how important it is to feel sexy sometimes.
Joe Biden won’t run for President, the IHS will provide better access to emergency contraception for Native women, Kim Davis’s emails released, and more.
Corey Jones, a 31-year-old black man, was killed by a police officer after his car broke down after 3 a.m., five black churches have been set on fire in the St. Louis area, a Texas judge ruled health officials can still deny birth certificates to children of undocumented immigrants, opponents of Houston’s non-discrimination ordinance debut a terrible ad aimed against trans women, and more news stories.
Kroger will cover gender affirming surgeries for trans employees, mainstream media and informal polls don’t agree on who won the Democratic debate, the New York Attorney General launched an investigation on the dude who jacked up the price of an AIDS drug and more news.
Did anybody distinguish themselves as national leadership material in last night’s Democratic debate, or did it inspire feelings of deep ambivalence and resignation in the political process?
An arrest in the murder of Kiesha Jenkins, Planned Parenthood announces they’ll no longer accept payments for their fetal tissue donation program, investigators say killing of Tamir Rice was “reasonable,” Bernie Sanders updates views on gun violence and more news stories.
Hillary has retracted her support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, California has banned gay and trans panic defenses in court, a new poll about attitudes towards immigration, and more!
Amber Rose’s Slutwalk truly embraced and celebrated the duality of women’s lives in the modern world, and it was a radically inclusive event — one with an explicit policy against all forms of oppressive language and behavior as well as an explicit intent to include, lift up, and acknowledge the unique and compounded struggles of trans women, women of color, queer women, poor women, and differently abled women.
Educational publisher McGraw-Hill admits to making a mistake in their textbook about slavery, Hope Solo will face domestic violence charges again, a new study finds more LGB people are insured with the Affordable Care Act and more news stories.