Book Features LGBT History

The Real-Life LGBT Outlaws of the American West and Writing Queerness Back to Historical Fiction

Each of these small bits of history made me hungry for more information, and brought home how many stories — especially those about queer folks — have been lost, compared to those few that have survived. I wanted to imagine queer people where they must have been, in shipyards and customs offices and coastal boom towns. I wanted them to be in love, to be gender outlaws and survivors, to triumph.

LGBT Book Reviews LGBT History

“Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History” by Vashti Harrison Is the Black Herstory I Needed as a Child

“Close your eyes and imagine for one moment a world where little black girls spend their entire childhoods seeing women like the ones they will become in just as many books, television shows, awards ceremonies, universities, political offices, magazines, advertisements and leadership positions as their white peers do. Really picture it, and then ask yourself: what would that future look like?”