14 Halloween Costume Ideas from Your Favorite TV Shows, Movies, and More
Halloween is almost here! Here’s how to nail the look of your favorite characters from this year’s TV shows, movies, and video games.
Halloween is almost here! Here’s how to nail the look of your favorite characters from this year’s TV shows, movies, and video games.
Protip: leave around the time you see clowns passed out on the floor.
Halloween is a great time for queer people. We get to explore weird stuff, we get to dress however we want, we get to try new things. We also get to tell stories. We get to tell stories that show just how weird and different and, yes, sometimes creepy, our worlds and our lives and our selves are.
If witches are a way to tell stories about women and power, vampires are a way to tell stories about women and sex.
Do not watch these movies. No, really. Don’t watch them.
Be a winner. Be a star. Be happy to be who you are. But also this Halloween, try to be Shania. Because she’s a queen.
Not moved by the costume spirit this year (or ever)? We’ve got some footwear alternatives for you, boo.
How many Holtzmanns can one party have?
This summer we saw the release of a new iconic lesbian film starring four women who are just perfect for a group costume this year. That movie is Suicide Kale.
Costume advice from someone who takes Halloween costumes way too seriously!
Watch out, 2016! Hillary’s on the rise and so are you – straight through some glass!
I will carve a pumpkin, dammit.
Hello spooky babes, resident alien Tayler Smith here to bring you an affordable look for Halloween that’ll have you lookin’ outta this world.
Don’t get caught rocking the same costume during this entire month of mischief.
I’ve got witches from folklore and myth, witches from TV and movies and even witches from real life, and none of them are wearing pointy black hats.
If being the hero isn’t your style, you can always be the villain.
From DC Super Hero Girls to Arrow to Agent Carter, a list of DIY costume tutorials for your favorite TV superheroines.
Enter at your own risk! Things are about to get adorable.
“Shhhh…I think I’m dying.”
Welcome to the Friday Open Thread, where we process our weekly feelings together in the comments until they come out as rainbow apple cider. This Friday is a special Friday, of course, BECAUSE IT IS HALLOWEEN OH GOD SO EXCITING HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN.