Artist Spotlight: Ria Brodell’s “Butch Heroes”
Taking the Catholic prayer card where it has never gone before.
Taking the Catholic prayer card where it has never gone before.
Vanessa’s Team Pick: An open call for LGBT artists, photographers, and sculptors in the New York City metropolitan area.
“Rachel Maddow is actually really sweet in person. Like, really really sweet.”
Anyone who is interested in intersectionality, anti-colonialism, and just regular rattling of the cage of mainstream norms, this is for you.
Jamie’s Team Pick: “Her paintings capture queer sexuality in an honest, sensual way I find both striking and refreshing.”
A decade before Rosie, Rockwell was painting the girls who were destined to become riveters.
Vanessa’s Team Pick: Sophia Wallace believes “the world is illiterate when it comes to women’s bodies” but she’s decided it’s time for us all to get Cliterate.
If you like books and street photography, UNYPL is going to be your new happy place.
The Sketchbook Project is “a traveling library created by thousands of people from across the globe,” and I think you should sign up to participate.
Were we ever so young? “Testimony” is here to tell us we were (and it was actually kind of okay.)
Queer photographers Yael Malkas and Cait Oppermann are going backpacking through Europe and making a queer photography book out of it. Help fund queer art!
Laura’s Team Pick: This stuff takes that whole “life imitates art” thing to the next level.
“This project is about teenage girls and young women at a transitional time of their lives, alone in the privacy of their own personal space and surroundings: their bedroom, a womb within the outside world.”
“12. Girls plus the chairs they were just sitting in.”
Carmen’s Team Pick: “Reading about the exhibit made me wish, more than anything, that I had been able to stand in those spaces with those flowers and feel like a part of a sweet and gentle goodbye.”
Alex’s Team Pick: I’d like to bring your attention to a project that you may want to support the existence of — Feminist Playing Cards! The deck will feature custom illustrations of 52 feminist musicians drawn by 14 feminist artists.
Schrag captures the anxiety of queer adolescence, will make your heart break, make you cry.
Lesbian art or lesbian artist? Either way, Sadie Lee leaves a mark.
“Embracing failure. Obsessive thoughts. Banal repetition of actions. For me they can be both very meditative and calming or crazed and overwhelming. Intensely intimate.”
From Catherine Opie to Cass Bird to Zanele Muholi, here are ten queer women with vision and talent changing the heteronormative face of contemporary photography.