Chatting With Meg Elison About Investigating Rural Poverty in “Find Layla”
Elison’s latest novel, Find Layla, looks at the realities of poverty and neglect for teens in the age of social media.
Elison’s latest novel, Find Layla, looks at the realities of poverty and neglect for teens in the age of social media.
This week’s Extra! Extra! reports another bit of news that flew under the radar, this time regarding gun control (it’s not good, you guys). We also cover the heinous violence against three trans women in LA this week, USAID’s erasure of LGBTQ+ people and an update on what’s going on around the US regarding police violence and the protests. And then we turn to the elections – by which I mean Russia, Belarus and the US.
Topics include YouTuber adoptions, romance novels, moldy jam, Sarah Schulman, the future of the fashion business is sweatpants, supermarket sweep and so much more!
This is a column dedicated to all gay WNBA content all the time — and yes, that includes queer thirst. And boy, is there a lot of thirst to be had when it comes to W players. But apparently, not everyone got the memo.
“Oh, and the sex, obviously.”
Dating and inexperience and some really positive advice about this, grieving while starting graduate school, coping with feelings of jealousy and more!
Severed and shamed by their church as teenagers, Danielle and Joanna are reunited years later by the very same song that propelled them into their sexual awakening years ago.
How to have the perfect queer zoom date (because who knows when we’ll ever be able to touch each other with our bare skin again). Also: the distinct eras of sex talk by black women in hip-hop, Trekkies Assemble! Nichelle Nichols needs our support! And a round up of the DNC quotables in case you don’t want to stay up all night watching.
Welcome to the second annual IT’S GREAT TO BE GAY DAY, an international holiday we invented… well, because we can. And also because EVERY SINGLE EFFING DAY!! is A GREAT DAY TO BE GAY! Here’s 20+ lesbian, bisexual, queer, trans, and non-binary humans telling you why the heck we love being exactly who we are.
A pandemic is a perfect time to unlearn perfectionism. We have so many chances to practice saying no. We have ongoing motivation to work on directing our anger and action toward institutions and people in power rather than our neighbors and loved ones.
You can scroll through my top ten shows and know exactly who I am and who I’ve been — a consistently queer, formerly goth, recovering musical theater nerd with a penchant for dry humor and scary women. Sharing this list is like showing you my diary if all my love poems were about Sandra Oh.
Moving during a pandemic is hard, but you can do it and we’re here to tell you how! We love you! Be safe!! WEAR A MASK!!!!!
I don’t usually insist that you watch the TV shows I write about — but queer nerds, I am truly going to have to press you to give this one a go.
How do non-D&D Discords even work?!
Ellen ousts three producers, how Mulan will work on Disney+, A Black Lady Sketch Show’s historic impact, and more!
“Wow I’m making myself sound so fucked up! I promise I got 30 whole percent in secure attachment.”
Janelle Monáe makes water look so good. Also, Samira Wiley is the wife you’ve been waiting for, Leisha Hailey’s cat (!!), and Trace Lysette wears a t-shirt better than most people wear couture.
Even one-night-stands have a spirit to them, but I wasn’t willing to confront that until I stopped drinking. When I did, I was finally able to place my mind right within my body, to touch and be touched without fear. Having sober sex was a way for me to unravel the contempt I felt around my body and my sexuality.
Dolly Parton, an Icon. Samantha Irby on the politics and love of sharing your fridge, Jen Richards promises her engagement wasn’t a Lex Ad (But also??), and a lot of food for thought about the Democratic National Convention.
Y’all aren’t f*cking around — we’re almost to our goal! Also, you wrote some VERY cute tweets that we would like to review with the whole group.