Laura’s Team Pick: WTF Should I Be For Halloween
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Do you want a socially relevant, Autostraddle-inspired Halloween costume this year? Well, you should.
Audiostraddle and the rest of the team pick our favorite love songs and anti-love songs for your Valentine’s Day mix tape. It’s not too late to give the gift of song.
Work your magic on Valentine’s Day with these four ridiculously irresistible recipes (with photos!) from our Team. Seriously, don’t read this if you’re hungry.
D.C. Buses plastered with anti-gay marriage ads, post-holiday shopping deals, Charlie Sheen gives us an even more serious reason to hate “Two and a Half Men,” ABC Nightline asks why there are so many single black women, Haviland Stillwell interview, best TV moments of 2009, drag queen on the X-mas tree, and some funny Christmas Carol videos!
Hey girls all over the world, how’s your Christmakwanzakah going? Did you tell Grandma about the Girlfriend? Does your Mom like the Susan Boyle CD? Is your closeted cousin doing the “Single Ladies” dance? Tell us your stories! Share your feelings! Open thread open 24/7.
Ready to do some last-minute shopping? Well welcome to the ultimate most LOL-worthy gift guide to totally rock your socks off all around the Christmas tree, with input from the whole gang.
Caught up in the last-minute holiday gift panic? We’re here to tell you about some of the more gift-able music CDs and DVDs on the shelves right now, and the sort of stockings they’re made for. From Madonna and Michael Bublé to Little Boots and Sara Quin’s Macbeths, there’s something for every lady in your life.
We’ve got you covered this holiday season with Technostraddle’s Holiday Gift Guide. With everything from digital cameras and hot Xbox games to girly geek underwear, there’s a little something for everybody. And we even threw in a private jet for good measure.
Why buy generic Hallmark cards when you can get pretty holiday cards right off the smokin’ hot letterpress! Alex shares some designers and print shops where you can get yourself some damn good lookin’ holiday cards to send out this year.
Hey girls all over the world, how’s your Thanksgiving going? Did you come out as a lesbian or weirdo? Is anyone watching Glenn Beck? Do you live in Canada? Tell us your stories. Open thread open 24/7.
I set up a camera with a self-timer on a tripod to allow guests to take photobooth-type images at Carly’s Halloween Bash this year — Check out Team Autostraddle and all the other gays & lesbians & allies in all our costumed glory!
Autostraddle looks at the best costumes ever, with inspiration from queers and their friends — Buffy, Lindsay Lohan, Carlytron & Robin, Ellen DeGeneres, My So-Called Life, The L Word and more!