Covering Our Butts: Let’s Talk About Underwear
“I like how I feel in my boring, black briefs, and I’ll probably keep wearing them for the rest of my long, gay life.”
“I like how I feel in my boring, black briefs, and I’ll probably keep wearing them for the rest of my long, gay life.”
“Be present for yourself and others. It’s not asking a whole lot.”
Your first ever socially distanced Halloween party is in the works!
“This debate was not civil. There is nothing civil about orphaning 500+ kids as a matter of public policy. There is nothing civil about putting them in cages. There is nothing about the way we’ve treated these families who came to the United States — in accordance with the law and asked for our mercy.”
This week’s Extra! Extra! looks at a whole slew of non-election related news, including LGBTQ+ rights and the trifecta of global pandemics: police violence, climate change and COVID-19. And then, of course, we do take a look at election-related news too.
Horror has always been my favorite genre. I’m a very anxious person and something about having that anxiety externalized in a way that’s fun or cathartic has always really appealed to me. I like roller coasters too. How often is our fear so wonderfully contained?
Stop what you’re doing right now and watch Alice Júnior on Netflix.
It is not only my pleasure, but my DUTY to compile this list ranking different horror villains, classic monsters, and cryptids on their levels of raw sexuality. What would it be like to fuck or date a ghost? Let’s talk about it.
“I never expected to hear anyone describe the ‘Thong Song’ as healing! I’m delighted!”
We asked you for the political questions or issues keeping you up at night. From getting started in activism, to questions about phone banking and volunteering, to the Supreme Court and what will happen with the legalization of gay marriage, untangling the United States’ electoral system, talking to your conservative relatives, and more — the Autostraddle team takes on your questions related to the US election. We’re all super stressed, but at least we have each other!
Clea DuVall and Tegan and Sara unite to give the gays everything that they want! Also, the Pope said that thing he said. What happens if Roe v. Wade if overturned? And while we’re talking nightmares, here’s how to survive election night.
Made me want to / and I did tap / that ass / many times / made it mine.
According to the Victory Institute, there are 843 LGBTQ+ elected officials nationwide. But there’s so much more to us than just the numbers. Here’s your 2020 Voting Guide with every LGBTQ woman and non-binary person running for federal offices or seats in state legislatures, plus the statewide ballot measures we don’t want you to miss!
In HBO Max’s LGBTQ documentary “Equal”; Samira Wiley, Jamie Clayton, Isis King, Shannon Purser, Heather Matarazzo, Theo Germaine and more embody key historical figures in the pre-Stonewall fight for LGBTQ rights and visibility.
“ANAL-ytics. Please don’t use that I am not serious.”
“Do you think he’ll notice if I just never come out of the bathroom?”
Scorpio season teaches us that we cannot keep carrying everything that has ever mattered to us and expect to still have energy for new growth — sometimes we have to let things go, or acknowledge what has already gone, before we can truly transform.
Go big or you’ve blown it!
What happens when literary events move online, why we’re obsessed with other people’s bookshelves, lots of horror reading lists and more.
Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon were not, of course, the first men to use Wonder Woman’s body — and especially her butt — as a blank page onto which they could project their feelings about Wonder Woman, specifically, and women, generally.