Remember When Brittany and Santana Were Making Out on Glee Episode 204 “Duets”?
Last night, Glee reclaimed scissoring
Last night, Glee reclaimed scissoring
The Real L Word could’ve been a much better show. Here’s why it failed, and why there might be hope for The Little Chicken That Couldn’t.
The Real L Word premieres on Sunday, aren’t you so excitant? We reflect and look forward and read reviews and witness strap-ons. But really the best part is that Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia is gonna be doing exclusive Real L Word content for Showtime &! I know! See! We got our grrrl in there, and she is perfect.
It’s not a revolution … but it’s solid. It’s sweet, it’s snappy, it’s clever, smart, delicious. It gets away with things American teevee shows never try for. It’s everything television should be.