Get Baked: Early Morning Commuting Omelette Muffins
Muffins are super great for commuter folk: once you make them, you can toss em in the freezer and say good riddance until you want them again at some point in the future.
Muffins are super great for commuter folk: once you make them, you can toss em in the freezer and say good riddance until you want them again at some point in the future.
When I was a young dessert-eating grasshopper, my mother made a delicious cake that went by the name of Blueberry Boy Bait. In spite of my intellectual objections, I cannot deny that this cake is frankly, awesome.
Heat up your poachin’ pan and get your Hollandaise arm ready!
It’s National Grilled Cheese Day and this is how we’ll celebrate.
Don’t worry, there’s not a drop of mushroom ganache to be found in here. These babies are only cupcakes in the sense that you’re going to cook them in cupcake pans.
This salad looks really pretty and tastes really yummy, not to mention it’s really easy. Really.
Stock photography in its most basic sense.
What goes best with fries? Why vinegar and limericks of course!
Everybody likes taco bars and choosing toppings in their pizza. Why not do the same thing with tabbouleh?
Step your game up. Get it?
It’s everything into a bowl, into the fridge, then into your mouth. That’s how I roll.
Or more accurately, Easter egg leftovers.
There was no chance I’d find any matzo in Venezuela, so when Passover rolled around we decided to make some of our own!
A salad for your salad days of youth and/or age (because what in the world does “salad days” even mean, Shakespeare?)
Riese’s lesbian Jewish mom made you a very special Passover treat!
Flavor > aesthetics. (Plus, it’s totally kosher for Passover!)
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And also delicious.
Seeing as I live in the birthplace of the empanada, I think it’s high time we made some for lunch.
This is a cocktail that I made up out of my mind brain in an effort to use Bittermen’s Xocolatl Mole Bitters. It has the look and consistency of a coffee milkshake, but it tastes like rum.