“Happiest Season” Roundtable: Yikes, Harper! Wooowwww, Aubrey Plaza!
“In conclusion, Aubrey Plaza is a precious gem and I would die for her.”
“In conclusion, Aubrey Plaza is a precious gem and I would die for her.”
“After I was about 20 years into my life as a trans woman, I was getting very frustrated by seeing that nothing much was changing. Transgender people were still being assaulted, killed, committing suicide. I felt that since I was a writer, I was a performer, I could put that together and maybe do a show and break down some barriers.”
It has felt hard to state how much I’ve been missing my family lately. But Audre Lorde and Pat Parker’s relationship is a testament to the life-affirming power of queer kinship. Their enduring love attests to the power and beauty of Black queer sisterhood.
It’s Black Friday: time to treat yourself to swetpants, sneakers, skincare and sex toys! Or I guess hypothetically you could get a present for somebody else.
“Thyme goes by so slowly, and thyme can do so much.”
I won’t lie, I went into this trailer with low expectations, but by the time Keegan-Michael Key said, “Okay, I admit, that got to me” I was feeling the exact same way.
Let’s be here together, apart — the safest way to show community care this year.
A “reclusive lesbian author” will be the co-lead of the new Finding Forester TV series, the sexiest chess locations in The Queen’s Gambit, the necessity of messy bisexual rep, the enduring all-ages appeal of Frozen, and more!
While there are certainly other (and arguably healthier) coping mechanisms besides stress shopping, I don’t think we should totally rule out any options just yet. And sometimes impulse buys work out really well! We’re here to tell you which emotionally compromised quarantine purchases we heartily stand by and would enthusiastically recommend.
Leisha Hailey is the clearest distillation of 2020 energy we’ve seen, Janelle Monáe in an all-white suit will take your breath away, and so much more!
Was Josh Hartnett a millennial gay stepping-stone? What’s next for the #Resistance if Trump isn’t there to kick around anymore? Also: readings from both Kristen Arnett and Roxane Gay, the public libraries that shaped Octavia Butler, and dreams of a Black utopia.
Things I didn’t know about Gia but learned quickly: this movie is very fucking sad, Mila Kunis plays Young Gia, Adina Porter makes a brief appearance, ELIZABETH MITCHELL plays Gia’s love interest, and Gia’s female love interest was not a brief drug-fueled lesbian fling!
While there’s broad societal acceptance of which season is the happiest season, what about the happiest seasoning? Considering the internet can’t really agree on what a seasoning even is, I realised I had my work cut out answering this pressing question. So, after minimal research and a commitment to “following the science” to the level of the average Western government, I present a shortlist of seasonings.
“He has been, without fail, late to everything we’ve ever planned. His tardiness ranges from one to three hours. Sometimes, I wait an hour and politely ask “what’s your ETA?” and he replies with “Sorry, I’m just going to do my hair and 15 other things and I’ll be on my way!””
“What I would most like is to sleep in a glass coffin in a secluded forest dale doted on by chirping woodland creatures until the butch of my dreams comes to wake me with a kiss in roughly mid-2021, but excepting that, I will take these things.”
Marceline and Pricness Bubblegum return for one more adventure, and we get all the answers to all the questions we asked for eight years.
There is, of course, no such thing as a perfect or universal dildo. However, if we were, for a moment, to pretend that there is a most-likely-to-fit-your-needs dildo for most folks who are interested in one, the Magnum really might be it.
“People were always so impressed that you didn’t leave me, but your gift wasn’t staying — it was seeing. Most people don’t get to transition under the pansexual gaze of someone who loves them the way you loved me.”
Also: The teaser for Batwoman season two!!!!, don’t hold your breath for a GLOW movie, Dua Lipa’s out here licking Miley Cyrus’ face, how Sailor Moon taught us femininity isn’t fragile, and more!
I don’t think it matters much whether Avatar: The Last Airbender is “respectful” of Asian culture. I think the show is racist, and also I like it. I’m interested in what we do with the sense of agency it gives us, how it allows us to critique the structures that exist and envision our own worlds.