It’s Sunday F*cking Funday and Amber Rose and Blac Chyna Really Like Marriage Equality
Also, Amber Heard’s still really proud to be bisexual and there’s an LGBTQ mariachi band in here. Just saying.
Also, Amber Heard’s still really proud to be bisexual and there’s an LGBTQ mariachi band in here. Just saying.
A gorgeous Jennicet Gutierrez poster to support the Trans Liberation Movement, women-directed horror films to scare the shit out of you, black-owned hair and cosmetic companies you can buy from, I’m turning AS into a Kristin Russo fansite I guess, beyond marriage equality with Nicolette Mason, Virginia Woolf, and so much more!
In today’s good news, Bree smashes the confederacy, Laverne Cox gets a good look at herself, Lily Tomlin is all “oh by the way I’VE BEEN MARRIED ALL ALONG” and the women of the World Cup give us some thighlights to think about for the day. I also threw some adorable couples celebrating the gay marriage ruling, some landmarks going rainbow because of the gay marriage ruling, and some of Antonin Scalia’s tears in here just because I love you.
An ice cream flavor named after your fav OITNB actress and other mini-updates from the cast, a cat that saved a kid’s life, the gayest landscaping project ever, a small nation with big dreams, Ruby Rose’s best interview eve which happened when she was 16, and oh, right, NICOLE KIDMAN KISSING NAOMI WATTS because you deserve it.
Tiny victories in Mexico and the US, what a pudu fawn looks like, the best gay wedding ever in the most amazing spot, a survey that shows America’s got your back, a one-eyed cat bathing itself, pit bulls with pets dot com, and a whole lot of happy ladies playing soccer.
A bear that’s very happy to see you, some major institutions taking steps toward inclusion for trans folks, a FIFA game that looks a little more like you, and more!
Breaking glass ceilings in education, bisexual books, and also cute stuff you’ll love!
Leopard cubs, a walrus cam, and Amanda Seyfried’s dog who is also her best friend; spoilers from the Supreme Court care of the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a love letter for all queermos care of New Orleans’ Mayor, and did I mention the gay sandwich tour.
This wasn’t just an attack on a Facebook invite. For many, this was an attack similar to those they experience in the real world navigating as Black Lesbians and in a space they felt safe in. So what exactly happened?
A fish you’ll wish you could snuggle, gay taxis and gay streetlights, Hillary Clinton’s heartfelt letter to the couple from her heartwarming campaign announcement, a prominent voice in Irish media comes out and doesn’t give a f*ck about her damn reputation, Brittney Griner and Glory Johnson tie the knot, the Church of Scotland opens doors for queers, and Harriet Tubman might be the new face of the $20 bill. How’s them apples?
Mother’s Day brunch and Wentworth bring the revolution. Taystee shares truth and light. Natalie Portman is the dreamiest RBG ever. Oh, and it’s Mother’s Day, so call your momma. It’s time to have the talk.
Racing wiener dogs, more visibility for more families than ever from that dude in the White House, a frog that looks like this other frog you’re probably really attached to and have been since childhood, a Wells Fargo ad to well your eyes with tears of joy, and bathroom bill updates that won’t make you wanna slap someone in the face!
Laverne Cox wins an Emmy, Loretta Lynch makes history, Conchita Wurst debuts a new video and more good news!
This rewilding farm in Sussex, Maria Bello on labels, why we need to stop abusing “the tone argument,” a list of good podcasts you will enjoy, Mara Wilson helps you breathe, and other stories you’ll be like, “oh I’m glad Laneia shared this” about.
Fortune Feimster is living the dream, a puppy is playing soccer better than I ever have, Matalan loves gay families and so does Hillary Clinton, and also did I mention there’s a cat in here that is also a nurse and also Jazz honoring Laverne Cox? Don’t miss out. Get in here!
Hillary Clinton’s running for President and Chelsea was just voted most likely to be on the cover of Elle by, well, Elle. Also inside: two puppies for marriage equality, an update on the LEGO set that would change everything, ModCloth’s first trans model, a sea otter teaching a tinier sea otter to swim, Barack Obama publicly praising a lesbian activist in Jamaica and more!
Also, an otter.
Monica Lewinsky is guest hosting on The View, GammerGate assholes have a new target, Grace Jones is getting a biopic, President Obama knows we need women on our money, the one Mad Men think piece you should definitely read, and a monkey petting some puppies.
In which I dive into piles of mostly-confusing data to figure out where the girls are in a country where gayborhoods tend to be filled with boys.
Fun Home hits Broadway, gifts from a crow to a babe, Aisha Moodie-Mills being a total boss bitch, two lesbian Presbyterian Reverends, the GOP’s gay agenda, and Serena Williams’ remake of 7/11, all right here for to light up your life.