AF+ Love + Sex

S L I C K: The Ass That Ate Back

Tanya wasn’t the kind of queer to make the first move, generally speaking, but that night was different. Marianne was different. She seemed more than interested in what Tanya had to say. Her words were gentle and warm, but funny and sexy. Like a horny heated blanket that could make you laugh.

Christmas Movie Reviews Podcasts

“To L and Back” Podcast Holiday Special: Two Jews Review a Lesbian Christmas Movie

Riese: I would text Riley and be like “you up?”
Carly: Are you still at the gay bar…? Because?
Riese: I would come back incensed with rage and ready to make a mistake.
Carly: Ready to ruin my relationship.
Riese: Yes. I would be full of the spirit of ruin and ready to share it.
Carly: Which is not Christmas spirit, but it is kind of related.