TV Lists

Let Us Now Praise One-Off Vampire Episodes

Somehow we have enshrined vampirism into the pantheon along with Christmas, Halloween and sometimes Thanksgiving as deserving of its own 20-45 minutes in the sun each year, particularly in the realm of procedurals, and you know what, sure! Why not. This is not all of the vampire episodes ever made, but they are pretty good ones, if I do say so myself.

Coming Out First Person

The Labyrinth Closet

We’re always coming out. As an: anime fanatic, manga-collecting Pokémon plushie hoarder; as a giddy, youthful ray of sunshine and not just the dense, American Dream-deprived immigrant, prompted over-thinker — I realize I am more than any of these individual rooms at all times.

Coming Out

Coming Out Roundtable: Like A Can Of Pringles, Once You Pop The Fun Don’t Stop

We’re getting ready for Coming Out Day. “I also passive aggressively came out to my parents by posting a Facebook status on National Coming Out Day sixish years ago? They both liked it….and then we didn’t really talk about it? I introduced them to my then girlfriend about eight months later? I guess I technically passive aggressively came out to a lot of people in that Facebook post…”