Four Years Later
I was hustling to make life work as a freelance writer and graphic designer and workshop presenter (and, like, food delivery person and countless other gigs) in an increasingly treacherous digital media landscape.
I was hustling to make life work as a freelance writer and graphic designer and workshop presenter (and, like, food delivery person and countless other gigs) in an increasingly treacherous digital media landscape.
It’s as entertaining as any heist movie, as addictive as the best true crime, and authentic in a way few pieces of mainstream trans media have been before.
Some Valentine’s suggestions if you’re into that kind of thing; the many ways to be kinky; the many ways to be probably in love with your best friend; publish more queer erotica and more.
I just want to hug Symone and tell her how good she is doing!! And also that it’s okay if she doesn’t always do this good!!
Four submissions about trans people loving all up on another, in not just romantic ways! Illustrated by Bishakh Som.
Today’s the day, A+ member! Join us on for the Autostraddle Discord Server experiment of February 2021! Bring you pet photos, your houseplant ailments, you latest hobby, your personals ad!
Plus updates on Legacies and All American!
“Our wedding plans went on hold when I found myself unable to get out of bed.”
7. endless time to wrap your mind around what was really wrong with all of your exes
“It turns out I’ve been right all along: love is bigger than all that.”
“lol at my life, break up with someone right after you put out a love song about them, looool gonna go cry forever.”
Love is pure. Love is real. But mostly, love is a bunch of neurotransmitters.
“You want proof love is a lie?? Let me dramatically pull back the curtains and show you the broken shards of my heart on the floor!”
I believe that love is real, but I’m definitely not looking at it through big, gay rose-colored glasses!
We’re kicking off today’s festivities with a super neutral, super chill playlist of breakup songs. Is love a lie?? I mean, you tell us.
“Molly’s Aunt Eleanor was the original American Girl lesbian aunt. I’m just saying.”
Excellent reads from noted queer authors Kristen Arnett and Leah Johnson, grown up love stories that are certain to make you cry before Valentine’s Day (one starring Roxane Gay and Debbie Millman) — and more to wrap up the week.
I hid behind instruments, computers, Whitney’s voice, Prince’s guitar. I sat in front of my computer surrounded by cassettes, illegally downloading songs, awkwardly whispering “I love you more than I know how to explain and I’m scared so here’s a mixtape I made you.”
She stared at the camera as she slowly took off her dress; she liked the way Hank looked at her through the screen, his mouth parted, his eyes wide. She could hear his breathing, and she loved the way he gasped when she did anything that made him particularly proud. FaceTime sex was full of its own cues and rhythms. It was hot.
This week’s Extra! Extra! looks at some sobering and some hopeful news related to sex workers’ rights, coverage of the insurrection in the context of the ongoing impeachment trial, an update on the COVID-19 pandemic and America’s fumbled vaccine roll out, and more.