Astrology, Tarot & Witchcraft

Queer Tarotscopes for Pisces Season 2021: What Have You Been Suppressing; Where Can You Explore?

Aquarius encouraged us to break free of broken systems and start fresh, and Pisces takes that open space and thrives within it, dancing and screaming and being our strangest, most wonderful selves. What magic do we wield? What happens when we leave old limits behind and stop following the beaten path? How does showing respect for our own dreams help us find new ways to love ourselves?

Podcasts The L Word

“To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 602: “Least Likely” With Christina Tucker!

Carly: I feel like if I confusedly kissed Jennifer Beals, I would also have to move away.
Christina: I would have to join WITSEC. I would be like, “Listen, get me on a USA cable drama because I got to go. I’m losing it.”
Carly: “I got to go. Give me a wacky sidekick, we can go fight crime together, or whatever. Maybe we’re lawyers. We’re going to wear suits and my name is not Carly anymore.”
Christina: “I can’t be Christina anymore because my mouth has been on Jennifer Beals’ mouth.”