Astrology, Tarot & Witchcraft

Queer Tarotscopes for Capricorn Season 2020: Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?

Hard-working and unafraid to set boundaries, Capricorn has so much to teach us about our value, our focus, and our confidence. If Sagittarius’ fire has left you feeling lost, if you’re still reeling from the losses and shifts that you experienced with Scorpio, Capricorn is here to help you make sense of where you have come from, and make a structured, detailed plan about where you want to go.

December 21, 2020
Food and Drink

The Dyke Kitchen: Defining Taste With Karen Tongson

Tongson’s personal cooking style relies on saving the ingredients or parts that traditionally, institutionally have less value — “something that you think is burdened by indignity, cheapness and trash” — and finding her own perfect application that proves otherwise. “Sometimes it is relevant to bring in the conversation that Nietzsche started, in relation to Britney Spears,” she says with a laugh.

AF+ Lesbian Sex

S L I C K: Raincheck Part 1

You are just picking up Naomi. Your very good friend, Naomi, whom you have only not-so-jokingly offered to take up on her not-so-joking offer to fuck for a decade. She literally just got emotionally gut punched by some fuckboy. Don’t be another fuckboy. Not today. Unless she initiates. Fuck, she always initiates. Fuck, I missed my exit.